

35 - Straight

Renfrewshire, United Kingdom

Nov 11, 2012 16:07

My names Andy and I'm a geeky guy who some times day dreams a bit to often. I like to think of myself as an easy to get along with person, and although I'm initially quiet as soon as the ice is broken I'm quite talkative and willing to engage in all sorts of conversation. en in my photo to plaid shirts and grungy jeans and jacket, to standard jeans and t-shirt's. I have 3 tattoos currently, my lower left arm has lyrics from a Streetlight Manifesto song spiralling down it. I have Che Guevera on my chest and a Geisha themed half sleeve tattoo on my upper right. As for piercings I have 2 in the left earlobe and a left helix piercing.

At the moment trying to get myself together from various things that have happened in the past. I studied Animation and Digital Art at college and university but some stuff happened during my degree that forced me to back out, kinda stuck now trying to scrape something together to hopefully have some sort of career out of what I love which is art.

I like to think I'm good at drawing and writing. I'm also good procrastinating at times but never when it's important. I'm usually very motivated to do my best at whatever I try as long as I have the right motivation.

The first thing people generally notice about me physically, I've been told a few times that I have interesting eyes by the people who've spent enough time looking at them to notice. On first glance maybe that I'm a little rough around the edges usually have stubble and my hair is usually left to dry and style itself after a bath or a shower.

Personallity wise probably that I have an overactive imagination and I'm a total day dreamer. Sometimes people get the impressioned I'd rather be living in a fantasy world instead of the real all honestly who wouldn't?

Favorite books include the first 3 novels in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, those being Interview with a Vampire, The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned. The first ones movie adaptation also lands itself in my top 10 favorite movies while the latter lands it'self in amongst my most hated. I also really enjoyed Bram Stokers Dracula and Mary Shelly's Frankenstien. Outside of the gothic horror I'm a huge fan of fantasy with Terry Pratchetts Discworld series, the works of J.R.R Tolkien and George R.R Martins A Song of Ice and Fire series all fitting into my list of favorites along with many other books. I also regularly indulge in comics and manga where some favorites include, Hellboy, Sandman, Hellblazer, Roruni Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, and Hellsing.

Top 10 Favorite movies are Interview with a Vampire, Bram Stokers Dracula, Blade, The Crow, Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (taking up 1 slot), The Evil Dead 2, Chasing Amy and True Romance.

Top 5 Favorite TV shows, Sons of Anarchy, The Wire, True Blood, Firefly, and Black Books.

Musically I have a large varied taste probably to much for me to be bothered to list, a few genres though are 60's and 70's rock, punk, ska, some metal mostly of the power variety, grunge, some indie, some country which is mostly confined to Johnny Cash, and a few other odds bits and pieces I'm not quite sure where to place like Voltaire, and Abney Park.

My favorite foods are quite varied I like to try most things at least once, but I really enjoy going to Japanese places in Glasgow, and I have a soft spot for Sunday roasts.

You should message me if you find any of this remotely interesting, or maybe want to ask something that isn't covered here.


bobbi xcx

Age: 28 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 43 / straight

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Age: 33 / straight

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Age: 31 / straight

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