

32 - Straight

West Midlands, United Kingdom

Aug 21, 2024 21:15

I'm hard and sharp, like the corner of a table.
So don't run into me carelessly.
I write dubious poetry, some below the bio
Feel free to tell me how bad it is, really!

I also do stuff like cooking, hiking, pointless bickering, and painting wee metal and plastic blokes to play games round my table with - which is totally badass and not at all dorky.

I would like to meet a nice girl within commutable distance, or maybe some people to jam on folk music or play boardgames and go on walks to see cool places with, but so many of my friends end up fighting each other or being mental, and running off to become a roadman.
Iunno why that happens, I never even get to do the part where I strap them to the altar stone and whip out the ceremonial flint knife.

***s**tty Poems***

Loser Haiku;

Loss is a teacher
But victory nourishes
Losers are all frail
But winners are all foolish

Frail and foolish men
Come together in this world
To make great mistakes

Blank Verse;

In the dark, I cannot see.
Who's hand am I holding here?
I squeeze you, and you squeeze me.
Words can only cheapen things.

To an empty room;

When I say that I am sad.
But I smile through it
Sit down beside me and frown
Although you are happy.


Dead man's switch goes off
Ten thousand nuclear bombs
Dropped on your fat mum


Soft white hands, like a gentle ghost.
Play my memory like a toy harp.
You are gone, but I feel you still.
The hour chimes, and the image dims.
But I remember kissing you
Among the tiny green frogs.


There once was a man from Dudley
Who hung up his wife from a tree
He left her all night but she came down alright
And now she is seven foot three.

I once met a man from Beirut
Who said "There's a bomb in my boot"
He whipped out his gat, it went rat-a-tat-tat
And he drove off while bunnin' a zoot

Prayer of an idiot;

Spare me Lord, from fear of death
And fear of growing old.
From fear of never being loved
And life that's long and cold.
The road is dark, the path has forked,
I do not know the way.
For I was born at midnight,
And I have not seen the day.


I am a decent person
I do what I am told
I praise the men I'm told to praise
And scold the ones to scold
I am the very smartest
As smart as smart can be
For no-one ever followed rules
As doggedly as me.

I am an honest person
The truth does not exist
And certainty is wickedness
And ignorance is bliss
Opinions are facts as well
If they're the ones I like
I only have to scream them loud
And bang your doors at night.

I am a modern person
My opinions are all new
I know no past nor future
And I haven't got a clue
I look down on "unenlightened times"
And "unenlightened folk"
But I never go to see them,
'Cause they laugh and call me "woke".

Autistic haiku:

Internet is f**k
Society is a scam
There is no escape

You glow in the dark
But I am Vantablack Coal
You cannot see me

Nobody cares now
If you s**t by the roadside
People are dogs too

God is in pieces
Don't tread on them carelessly
I'll cut your feet off

Conspiracy man
Vindicated by footage;
Bigfoot with Epstein

Real men eat pussy
s**tfire and hallelujah
We all gonna die



Age: 33 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom

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United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom


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United Kingdom

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United Kingdom


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United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


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West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom