

47 - Straight

New York, United States

Mar 23, 2012 07:03

I am missing cds by Sloan, the Decemberests, Yo la Tengo, Badly Drawn Boy, and a bootleg Wilco concert dvd from my apartment. Nothing else was taken. Danmm hipsters.

Why do hipsters avoid rivers?
Too mainstream.

Two hipsters walk into the bar.
The first one did it before it was cool, and the second one did it to be ironic.

Bonus emo joke (yes I know, emo is so 2007)

How can you tell your lawn is emo?
It cuts itself.

Im the singer/guitarist/songwriter/leader of the band summer and lightning, you can hear our songs at summerandlightning /reverbnation, aside from my career.

My parents came here from Ireland. I was born here, most of my cousins live in Ireland and the UK.

My dad was an nypd detective, I was 10 and my sis was 5 when he died, it toughened me up and bought my family closer together.

I love my friends, love my family, love my job, brush my teeth ect.

I like going to parks when the weather is nice, like tibbets in yonkers.

I play the guitar, drums, bass, and sing on a pro level, on piano Im just so so.

I think the yankees and giants are ok, but me and my friends laugh at guys who cry if their team doesent win.

Im a huge fan of comedy, music, books, and any kind of cool or useful information about anything I can find out in general to give me an edge on the competition. im a big tall dude who likes to cuddle on the couch.

A girl complained I was treating her like a child, so I gave her a sticker for standing up for herself.

Im just looking to meet someone cool for now, see where it goes.



Age: 25 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 34 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 21 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 33 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 19 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 20 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 44 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 27 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 104 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 37 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 26 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 33 / straight

New York
United States