

31 - Straight

Delaware, United States

May 23, 2023 02:22

Profile updated May 22th of 2023. Reason for the update is more clarity and insight.

Back again because someone keeps reporting my account over and over. Do these people know I forgot my last account and log in information? It's why I made a new account in the first place. I did save my password to this account though. But this is my last chance here. A person said or told me that my account keeps on getting deleted over and over again because it's getting reported for a fake account? Seriously a fake account? That's a joke. If you think I'm fake cool. But that doesn't give you the right to spam report my account. If you would like to exchange socials just ask. Since people love to report my account for no reason and you also can't report someone's account if you don't like their account either. But I forget people treat me like Loki and his children. Misunderstood, doesn't know the difference between misunderstood and evil and more importantly a hideous monster. That's why people see me as a hideous monster. Also with that said I'm not the only one that forgets passwords and makes a new account and comes back every few months. So I think the target that I've on this website is silly. Speaking of silly things. Why is there someone on this website called Loki Dark God? He isn't a god for one and more importantly he is a FIRE DEITY. Please get your facts straight. Thanks.

Friend request means - Do you want to talk? If so, say something in my inbox. Also the photo takes 24 hours to load here. Want to see what I look like? Just ask. So you might think why do you've no intent or any intent? Well that's like me asking how do you know if someone is a friend or foe or not within one day? That makes no sense to me at all. Like how would I be able to gather all the information in one day to know what we've together? I'm sorry but things don't work out that way for me. What I would like to happen is if within a few weeks you can let me know if you see me as a friend, a best friend, enemy and maybe a boyfriend but let me explain something. I'm married in the other realm. If you would like to know what that means please ask in a private inbox or when we exchange social media contact. Speaking of social media contact please be in contact with me everyday and if I'm not online here, then you can check my photo albums to look to see my screenshots of my socials to get in contact with me there. Please put a wolf emoji when you send me a friend request so that way I know you read my profile and if you can let me know your username on here as well. Thanks. Anyways back onto another thing about social media. What is the point of adding someone if you plan to message them every few days? I really can't respond to hi, how are you every single day. Please be creative with your messages. If we chat outside of this website, I just wanted to remind you of a few things. I normally don't say hi, how are you every single day. You can either pick up the conversation where we left off or find another topic to present to me. I'm also a rare type that memes aren't really funny and it's a rarity if I laugh at one. Just as rare when I take selfies. I really don't care and I don't think about them. So with that said as a wrap. Just be creative with me just all I ask and respect that I'm not a meme and selfie hoarder. Know me first. Have a conversation with me for a few weeks and then judge me. Sorry but judging someone on day 1. Makes little to no sense at all. Speaking of common sense. People don't know what I mean by furs. Comon now. Ever heard of Fenrir's cozy furs? His cozy fur blanket? No? K thought so. I do have a 12 year old son that will be that age later on this year. Do I message first? Rarely. That's why I sent a friend request as a starter of uncertainty if you want to message or not. High interest to expect your art work if you do any kind of artwork or make some kind of craft. Which I should also state that my only source of income right now is SSI and Food Stamps. This might be an issue for some people. I'm also waiting for my housing number to hit zero so I can live on my own. My mom when she was alive put me on this program since I was 21. I was number 10 then and was 30. I'm 6,190 now. SSI does let you work for 25 hours with your SSI check. But I need a lot of accommodations so finding a job will be uncertain at this time. I can't afford a low income apartment even with SSI and Food Stamps, that's why I need housing. But that's common sense anyone would know you need housing because SSI doesn't give you enough for rent. At least where I live they only give you $914 a month and a typical low income apartment for one bedroom and one bath is $700 and something. I assume SSI gives you this low amount of money because they expect you to live with a roommate or one of your family members for the rest of your life. Does SSI not understand that not everyone has friends and that they don't want to live with an annoying family member for their whole life? Probably not. According to an online friend of mine she says most SSI checks go up every year and I hope so. Because she lives in another state and she gets $1,200 in something a month which is bull s**te. I Co-Op on Nintendo. Nicknames. Wolf. Rabbit. Also looking for weird makers. Bone jewelry, abstract art, humane bird feathers and offering jars. If you plan on selling on Etsy I love to buy if the prices are in my price range. The most I can afford for a custom made item is like $20-30 a month. Cause I pay my dad rent and I got two phone bills to pay + whatever else I need in a whole month. Also please have common sense. When I say wolf ears and I go by Wolf online can you not piece together anything? I mean it's not rocket science. Also if you don't say anything when adding my social media within a few hours you will be blocked as I would suspect you as a lurker and stalker account and you will be blocked. Also I do have Snapchat which is:


Reason for not being active on here anymore as I like.

Also for people wondering if I go away for a long period of time that is because my stalker has returned to this website and this stalker has posted all my social media and all my posts illegally on the internet. Even shared my email where I had to delete it. So since she's stalking me now and probably will make multiple accounts to stalk my page to see if I post anything so she can feed it to her Discord group I'm just going to leave my account on idle. Because her entertainment supply will soon run dry. This chick is so crazy online she made several fake accounts on Instagram harassing my friends and stalking them and taking their post on a Discord group and all that + she never stopped until I completely left Instagram and deleted my account. So please note when I leave Alt Scene and you see several accounts underneath Little Wolf or anything pertaining to Wolf that is my crazy stalker online. She's trying to get ALL my friends to turn against me with false rumors and lies but that won't simply work. This chick is highly psychotic. She even illegally posted my email address for all Reddit users to see. Which I've closed down all emails. Also the reason why I know this information is because before I deleted my email completely this person that was an underground spy in their Discord chat gave me all the information I need to know about this psychotic person. She has a severe obsession issue. The reason why I've not taken legal action is because my DAD doesn't know I've a crazy psychotic stalker that's illegally sharing my info online. So if you want to find me just find me by my socials. I posted them anyways on this website because no matter what I do she already fed the whole entire Lokean and Norse Pagan of illegal information she has shared about me. So doesn't matter anymore.

So if I sent you a friend request and I'm gone, please do me a favor okay? Because this is highly nessessary. Please let me know you're a person that has gotten my friend request on this website. So I know you're not a member of her crusade after me. Thanks.

Darling, I never said my paws were free from being bloodstained from the Astral realm and darling I never said I was innocent either.

Abstract is art. It's the painter's soul and spirit or spirits are inside the art being splattered in an abstract image. The soul and spirit or spirits is speaking onto the canvas with the painter's paintbrush, letting the paintbrush flow with the user's essence.

What's my color?

Being weird, bizarre, otherworldly and what else not in that category doesn't make me a mental illness. That means you're terrified of me. Yet you don't even know me, yet somehow you're fearful of me.

Just remember I'm not a monster you make me out to be. Judge me last. Because you can't judge someone when you've not talked to them for a length of time.



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