Also I love baked ziti, like I would take a bath in baked ziti.
Hack the Mainframe, working in IT Cyber Security by day, but painting pictures of dogs and outer space is my real jam, andddd I make a mean baked potater.
I think there are 2 main things that are must haves. I really just need to know that we can help carry each other’s pain and celebrate each other’s joy. But mostly the carry each other’s pain part. It’s such a genuine relief to know that your person deeply understands your pain and still wants you around. I don’t need this often, but when I need it, I really need it. And I mean, my pain is not special or more or different than other people’s. I think everyone needs this just the same. But I also think society pushes us to think we shouldn’t ask for it or acknowledge it because when someone needs you to bear witness to their suffering, it’s just real inconvenient, and awkward, and you don’t always know what you should even do, so it’s difficult. And I don’t know what to do sometimes with even my own best friends. But I think the willingness to learn and willingness to acknowledge and sit with this raw part of life alongside someone else is what I’m looking for, and can offer myself. Honestly I don’t know how to sit with you in your pain but I will learn, and I just need a person willing to learn me as well.
1) Top Favorite: Queen
2) Real Favorite: My Chemical Romance, babyyy ;D
3) Everything else
4) Current jams:
-Janis Joplin
-White Stripes
-Stevie Nicks
Also love to simply chill, paint, read comics, relax in my Pokémon robe and watch my room mate play video games, ATLA, SpongeBob and so much other foolishness.
I was lucky enough to get to see MCR last summer during their reunion tour

Looking for someone to go with me next time they come around