Curvy woman
Nice hips
5'10 height
Great personality
Good listener
Profiles without a photo, or with photos from the BC era, do not interest me at all. If you are older then feel proud of being older and at least be kind enough to upload a recent photo of yourself, not from when you were 20 years old or a child.
I prefer guys between 35-55 or even older

Guys under 35 year old are more than welcome as long as you don't act like a little girl or brat, all I want is interesting conversations that catch my attention, free of drama and nonsense.
I'm not a gamer nor do I like video games, if you like that, good for you, but I'm not interested, this hobby is for couch potatoes with a non-existent IQ
Except those who generate profits with such games
If you want our talks to be long-lasting and progress day by day then don't rush me with my phone number or my socials, I will share that with you eventually.
Thanks to my job I speak French and Spanish quite fluent, if that helps with communication, I also speak fluent sarcasm

I am not interested in being in polygamous relationships, nor am I interested in being with bisexual men or with men who doubt their manhood 🤮