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70 - Straight

Texas, United States

Feb 4, 2025 16:43

Planetary: Attunement, Compassion, Solidarity, Consecration, Service, and Transformation

--------------- Describe yourself (personality/attitude/passions/beliefs):

Very serious, disciplined, serene, empathetic, sympathetic, broad-minded, focused, directed, and driven!
Mission-oriented, Consecrated to something "Greater", "Big Picture" visionary, and Compassionate.
Last of the "hermit-monk-philosophers?": equanimous, sincere, conscientious, an ideas-person.
Toward a Life of Transformative Meaning / Purpose, Integrity, Solidarity, and Consecrated Service.

"Love in Conscious Co-Productivity" :

living, working, and contributing together for a mutual vision and purpose.

Dane Rudhyar, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa), Helena P. Blavatsky (early Theosophy), and Arnold J. Toynbee.

Summary as above, details so below!

--------------- Describe yourself - brief background and motivation:

Many, many years ago I reached a point in life where I needed to answer the question of "what am I alive for?" After wrestling with this issue for awhile I came to the conclusion that I could not answer that question until I first answered another one: "what is humanity alive for?" Well the picture kept getting larger until the question of "what is the universe alive for?," became the fundamental question. For someone formally trained in accounting and business, with a very concretely-oriented mind these sorts of questions were not easy to address, but addressing them and actualizing the answers has been what my life has been about now for nearly half of a century, four decades and counting!

In brief my answers to the above questions involve aspiring to live a transpersonal life. A transpersonal life is one that is to be spirit-inspired, spirit-oriented, and spirit-directed, and that serves a function for and as an integral part of the Earth and its development. Such a life includes an inner mutation and an outer transformation, thereby changing both one's self and the Earth. The inner mutation involves changing the quality and scope of one's motivation, will, thoughts, feelings, desires, emotions, values, etc. The outer transformation entails changing the quality and scope of one's behavior and activity in the world, therefore also one's relationships with others and with the Earth as a whole. Such a mutation and transformation is to be founded upon, infused with, and impelled by an all-inclusive, universal, Divine Love-Compassion.

One function of the inner mutation and outer transformation is to redirect one's allegiance from the many lesser wholes---one's family, people, country, etc (multiplicity)---to our mutual greater planetary whole (unity), that Being within which we live and move, and which IS our being!

Another function is to contribute to the preparation of the foundation for a future global society. Such a society is to be founded upon the wholeness of the planet and also to be appropriately and appreciatively inclusive of both planetary unity and multiplicity and their relatedness. At the present evolutionary moment making such a contribution means to establish a new vision, way of life, and meaning for being; one that is based upon the Earth as the foundation---the Earth, in all of its material, biological, mental, and spiritual aspects.

All of which is much easier said than done! (And saying it is not that easy either!!) At any rate following through with my aspiration I could probably be described as a very serious, disciplined, highly-focused, and broad-minded person---perhaps the last of the "hermit-monk-philosophers"---and as a "big picture" visionary consecrated to something "Greater," with extra helpings of sincerity, honesty, directness, equanimity, sympathy, empathy, and compassion to go along with that!

The call and challenge of a pan-human rebirth, transfiguration, and global society is upon us. May all those who are able to 'hear,' answer that 'vocation!'

--------------- Describe the type of person you'd like to meet:

I am seeking someone who is interested in living FOR something, hence living a life of transformative Meaning and Purpose. There is a specific vision that guides the transpersonal life, and I am seeking a co-working companion who might come to feel a MISSION, a CALLING, to share in the establishment, sustentation, dissemination, and exemplification of that vision. The vision is inspired primarily by the works of Dane Rudhyar, and secondarily and supportively by those of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa), Helena P. Blavatsky (early Theosophy), and Arnold J. Toynbee. Thus pursuant to the actualization of this vision I am summoning someone infused with---or with the potentiality of becoming infused with---a spiritually transformative Aspiration, a receptive creative Fecundity, and a mobilized expectant Potency for a co-working companionship that would be founded upon and consecrated to a mutuality of perspective, purpose, focus, and function for the Earth.

May Divine Love-Compassion bring together the conscious co-producers for the transpersonal way, and may we become the foundation necessary to transform life and living into planetary acts of creative power!

--------------- Describe the ideal relationship:

"Love in Conscious Co-Productivity": living, working, and contributing together for a mutual vision and purpose. A partnership-relationship that works towards the inner mutation and outer transformation mentioned above, and that manifests and radiates both as single persons and as partners the following qualities: Tranquility, Serenity, Stillness, Equanimity, Autonomy, Centrality, Willingness / Will, Discipline, Responsibility, Attunement, Receptivity, Adaptability, Detachment, The Art of Letting Things Happen, Knowing Where One Belongs, Simplicity, Tolerance, Ease, Non-Identification, Comradeship, Personal Integrity, Service, Courage, Non-Possessiveness, Intellectual Honesty, Sensitivity, Discrimination, Equanimity in Love, Non-Competitive Efficiency, Creative Visualization, Self-Reliance, A Sense of Humor, Faith in the Future, Aspiration-Ardency, Hope-Expectancy, Sincerity, Perseverance, Gratitude-Appreciation, All-Embracing Openness-Sympathy-Empathy, Creative-Redemptive Love-Compassion, Knowledge, Wisdom, Solidarity, Cooperation, Agency-Functional Participation, Fulfillment, Belongingness-Communion-Devotion, Self-Forgetfulness, Self-Surrender, Self-Consecration to the Greater Whole, and MORE!

--------------- How long and what motivated you to be on a conscious path?

As I wrote at "Describe yourself - brief background and motivation:" above: --- Many, many years ago I reached a point in life where I needed to answer the question of "what am I alive for?" After wrestling with this issue for awhile I came to the conclusion that I could not answer that question until I first answered another one: "what is humanity alive for?" Well the picture kept getting larger until the question of "what is the universe alive for?," became the fundamental question. For someone formally trained in accounting and business, with a very concretely-oriented mind, these sorts of questions were not easy to address, but addressing them and actualizing the answers has been what my life has been about now for nearly half of a century, four decades and counting!

--------------- What are you most passionate about?

Serving and fulfilling the function, the dharma, for which I was brought to life.

--------------- What is the top priority in your life right now?

The driving force, the dharma of my life is to work towards and contribute to the establishment, sustentation, dissemination, and exemplification of the vision that infuses and guides the transpersonal way of life. Thus my interests are consonant with and actuated by that vision: transpersonal philosophy and practice (jnana and karma yoga?); personal and planetary transformation; world social, political, ecological / environmental, and spiritual issues and current events. I have formal training in accounting and general business, and psychology and counseling; and informal exposure and interests in many other areas. Among these areas are: spiritual philosophies, metaphysics, spiritual/esoteric discipline/practice, theosophy, history, diet and nutrition, etc.

--------------- What/who are some of your favorite movies/films/actors?

There are no movies that I can call "favorites." However, there was one movie that was very important to me given the stage of development that I was in at the time that I first saw the movie. (The time was in late 1977, approaching my 23rd birthday.) That movie was "It's A Wonderful Life." Given everything else that was unfolding in my life at the time the movie had a profound and pivotal impact upon me. The results of that impact were immediately assimilated and remain ongoing today.

--------------- What kind of music moves you?

In the past I have listened to classic rock and pop (of about 1964-1977), jazz, classical, and the blues. These days I hardly listen to anything; mostly my attention is focused on "The Voice of the Silence!"

--------------- Who are some of your major influences?

The most influential person in my life has been: Dane Rudhyar,

His works served as my eductor and initiator. They provided me with Meaning and Direction for Life. They helped to engender 'Creative-Redemptive Love-Compassion' and the 'Will to Wholeness and Service' in the person that I am. They stimulated the aspiration and drive for 'Self-Consecration to the Greater Whole' within which we live, move, and which IS our being!

Secondarily, the works of Helena P. Blavatsky (early Theosophy), Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa), and Arnold J. Toynbee have supported, broadened, heightened, and deepened the foundation established by Rudhyar's works.

All of these personages have truly been the pillars of Life and Living for me.

--------------- What are some of the most influential books that you have read?


The Planetarization of Consciousness;
Rhythm of Wholeness;
Modern Man's Conflicts;
Directives for New Life;
We Can Begin Again Together;
Occult Preparations for a New Age;
Culture, Crisis, and Creativity;
Beyond Individualism;
The Fullness of Human Experience;
An Astrological Triptych;
Return from No-Return


The Life Divine;
The Synthesis of Yoga;
Letters on Yoga, Vols. 1-4;

The Mother:

(compilations) --

The Mother’s Vision;
Being of Gold;
Becoming One;
The Process of the Integral Yoga;


The Secret Doctrine;
The Key to Theosophy;
The Voice of the Silence;
The Collected Works of H. P. Blavatsky, Vols. 1-15;


A Study of History, Vols. 1-12;
Surviving the Future.

--------------- If I could have dinner with any five people, they would be:

Dane Rudhyar, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa), Helena P. Blavatsky, and Arnold J. Toynbee. Their works have made a profound contribution to my development so far and it would be interesting and potentially enlightening and transformative for me to be able to observe and possibly participate in whatever interaction that might occur.

--------------- Name three things that you are most thankful for:


Being alive and having had the supportive, challenging, and exacting circumstances that I have had throughout my life.


Having had the opportunity to become exposed to the works of Dane Rudhyar, Helena P. Blavatsky (early Theosophy), Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa), and Arnold J. Toynbee, and the time to deeply study, assimilate, and live according to the themes presented through those works.


Having been brought to Life in order to be able to work towards and contribute to the establishment, sustentation, dissemination, and exemplification of the vision that infuses and guides the transpersonal way of life.

--------------- What are four of your best life skills?


Understanding local, national, and world events.


Remaining calm yet resilient during crises.


Listening to and engaging others with empathy and compassion.


Continuing to expand awareness, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, attunement, solidarity, communion, and creative-redemptive love-compassion.

--------------- Name six things that you can't live without:

Air - Water - Food - Sleep - Understanding - Meaning!

--------------- What is the first thing that people notice about you?

That I am a good listener, with extra helpings of sincerity, honesty, directness, sympathy, empathy, understanding, and compassion to go along with that!

--------------- Give five ways your friends would describe you:

Genuine - Good Listener - Compassionate - Thoughtful - Intelligent

--------------- How do you typically spend your leisure time?

In study, spiritual/esoteric discipline/practice, and "imagineering": Thinking; Intuiting; Contemplating; and maintaining Quietude, Tranquility, Serenity, Stillness, Equanimity, Autonomy, Centrality, Self-Reliance, Responsibility, Aspiration-Ardency, Courage, Openness-Sympathy-Empathy, Faith, Sincerity-Simplicity, Hope-Expectancy, Gratitude-Appreciation, Belongingness-Communion-Devotion, and Productive Activity.

--------------- Describe what you would do for a first date:

To me the most important endeavor would be to get to know my "date" through exploring her thoughts, feelings, intentions, and desires in life. Just as important would be how my "date" sees the purpose of not only 'Life' but also of Being and Existence. In addition I would also be interested in exploring 'where' my date is in her life: how she views her present situation, where she 'has been,' where she 'wishes to go,' and what she 'wishes to do!' Beyond any possible commonalities I would be interested most in ascertaining the potentiality of having or developing a mutuality of perspective, purpose, focus, and function for the Earth. Without such a mutuality all possible commonalities would simply be mere coincidences with no dynamizing energy for conjoining development and synergy. So I suppose that during a first date I would be doing a lot of listening! (Smile) But that is probably what I do best anyway. (More smile)

--------------- Associated and Related Interests and Keywords

Compassion, Consciousness, Cosmology, Esotericism, Human Transformation, Human Unity, Humanistic Psychology, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Meaning, Metaphysics, Mysticism, Ontology, Personal Transformation, Planetary Consciousness, Planetary Evolution, Planetary Integration, Planetary Transformation, Raja Yoga, Spiritual Evolution, Spiritual Knowledge, Spiritual Path, Spiritual Philosophy, Spiritual Practice, Spiritual Transformation, Spiritual Wisdom, Spirituality, Theosophy, Transfiguration, Transmutation, Transpersonal Philosophy, Transpersonal Practice, Transpersonal Psychology, Wholeness, Wisdom, World Current Events, World Ecological Issues, World History, World Philosophies, World Political Issues, World Social Issues, World Spiritual Issues, World Unity

--------------- Describe yourself - Part 2:

Welcome to the extended version of my profile and thank you for taking a sustained interest.

It always amazes me when someone views my profile because I hardly ever think of it as being attractive to anyone 'out there' in 'internet dating cyberspace.' From my point of view what I have put forth about both myself and the kind of relationship that I would be willing to be a part of, does not seem to correspond to what most people seem to be interested in. So even though I make the effort to post a profile getting a response is still always a surprise for me.

Given my orientation to life I hardly ever know what to say in situations like the 'internet dating scene.' Generally speaking I tend to think that the very few responses that I do receive are largely the result of my flowery and idealistic language! So maybe all of those college courses in English were not a complete waste after all! (Smile) Whatever the case though from my point of view I am probably not the kind of person that most ladies would be interested in, regardless of my exalted and rarefied language. Most of the time I tend to think that someone's interest in me is founded upon a case of mistaken identity! But I will let you be the judge of that! (More smile)

Now why would I write, "I am probably not the kind of person that most ladies would be interested in?" To begin answering that question I will say a little bit more about myself and what I am looking for. That might seem like a simple task but for me it is always quite difficult to describe myself to other people. Maybe some of the reasons for this difficulty will become apparent in the following 'self-description.'

Probably for most people who are somewhat acquainted with me I am just 'not normal.' I am nice, friendly, honest, dependable, responsible, etc. But I am sort of 'off the grid' psychologically and socially-speaking---and even so-called 'spiritually-speaking.' Generally I am a very quiet person who pretty much has operated as a solitary homebody for more than four decades now. In other words I am not highly involved or invested in the usual social and societal goings-on of life. I keep up with the happenings of the world mostly through reading periodicals---that is, through many magazine and newspaper subscriptions.

I think that it would be accurate to say that I have a strongly sacred-philosophical approach to life and living, an approach with considerable metaphysical / esoteric, psychological / yogic, and historical / societal / evolutionary components. I do not mean to say that I am an intellectual, in the way that "intellectuals" are currently thought of in the United States of America. What I mean is that 'contemplation' (or perhaps 'pondering,' 'reflecting,' or even 'envisioning' or 'imagineering' might be more accurate) is probably the most predominant activity in my life---at least during this life's present phase. Most people would not and probably do not know that simply because I am a very quiet person. I do not talk much; I tend to listen far more than I talk. I listen and apparently ask "good questions" as people used to repeatedly say to me. Such a 'personal style' was the reason (or perhaps was correlated with the reason) that at one point in life I pursued a potential doctoral-level career in psychology and counseling. But that pursuit was never completed even though I did participate in two different doctoral-level degree programs.

Earlier like three decades ago I would have said that I spend a lot of time reading. But that is not true so much these days except for the periodicals. In the 1990s I used to humorously describe myself to some of my correspondents as the last of the "hermit-monk-scholars." While this description was intended as a joke still it contained a lot of accuracy. A hermit is most definitely solitary; a monk is someone that is usually thought of as devoted to 'something greater'; and a scholar might be considered as someone who specializes in thoughts and ideas. Well the secondary descriptions come pretty close to describing me and how I have gone about living life since 1977---with a short 1 year break for an abortive attempt at further graduate school. (Also, due to the effect of the present 'planetary economic and other troubles' since 2008, the last 16 years have been greatly different from most of the last 47.)

What I have tried to convey by using the "hermit-monk-scholar" description is a picture of someone who leads a highly focused and dedicated life, a life that is quite unlike what most people are aware of and accustomed to. To some degree the life that I have led is roughly equivalent to the stereotype of the devotee (or monk or nun) who gives up everything and moves to the 'ashram' of the guru (or to a monastery or nunnery) for the rest of his or her life. But let me be clear here: I am not a devotee (or a monk proper), I do not have a guru per se, and publicly I look and act relatively 'normal.' But the life that I lead is 'built' upon similar or analogous parameters to that of the stereotypical 'god-seeker,' using the latter hyphenated phrase very, very loosely.

In terms of some 'observable' details I can make statements like: I am a near-vegan vegetarian; I have no television; I nearly never listen to the radio; while I have a fairly extensive recorded music collection I hardly ever listen to it anymore; my furniture consists primarily of hand me downs; much or most of my clothing is probably 47 years old or older; my car, a 1973 Subaru DL, is more than 39 years old and was bought for me by my father back in 1973 --- [[[ --- finally sold on 6-5-2012, an era came to an end!!! --- ]]] --- ; I do not socialize in the 'visit and go out with friends' sense; beyond going to work [now finally retired] I hardly ever go out of or away from my house these days; I do not really have any significant 'friends' to speak of in the usual 'keep up everyday sense,' although I know a lot of people and most of those people would certainly consider me a 'friendly and valued acquaintance'; etc. I could probably say more along these lines, but I am hoping that the preceding statements have given you a little of the 'flavor' as to what the life I lead 'looks like,' at least in terms of a few 'observable' details during this present phase.

While the above 'pictograph' might sound reclusive I do not wish to give the impression that I am disengaged from life and / or aiming to 'transcend' or 'ascend' from the 'world.' On the contrary I am probably far more engaged with life, living, and the 'world' than most people could imagine---or could stand for that matter. Yet the character of my engagement and participation in life is presently primarily of the nature of 'insight,' 'attunement,' and 'actualization' and not so much one that is oriented around physical and / or social activity and interaction. Humorously what appears to be reclusion from one point of view could be interpreted as a long and arduous phase of training, preparation, and discipline from another---and the latter view is indeed how I am interpreting and approaching this current phase of living!

In any case over the years and through living such a "life" I have come to the point where I am not too motivated by the matters that motivate the lives of most people. I tend to see that most people are motivated by the pursuit of perhaps 'peace, love, and happiness,' or 'money, lust, and power,' or 'fun, adventure, and "good times,"' or maybe some combination of any or all of the above. Or possibly there is an interest in personal or spiritual growth or healing, salvation, ascension, heaven, paradise, spirituality, etc. I have no problem with any of these motivations, except for the fact that they are not my own.

The main driving force in my life is to fulfill the function or purpose for which I was brought to life, nothing more, nothing less. For me then it is not so much of what " I " want or desire, or what makes me happy in life. Rather it is what the Earth needs of and through me. Back in the 1980s I came up with a phrase that succinctly describes such an approach to living: "I am open, receptive, discriminant, ready, willing, and able to do whatever is necessary and appropriate through me." I could probably write several pages explaining nearly every word in that phrase but for now I will leave it as it is.

Such an approach to living is what I described earlier as "aspiring to live a transpersonal life" and it is not necessarily a "spiritual" approach per se---or perhaps I should say that it is not a strictly "spiritual" approach per se. The aim---if the lengthy and arduous path of development ("training, preparation, and discipline") goes well or at least satisfactorily---is to have one's life increasingly inspired and directed by "spirit," or rather by the Earth as a whole. For me the Earth is a multilevel whole of being, a being that includes interpenetrating spheres of matter, life, mind, and divinity. "Spirit" in this case would be the directive force of the sphere of divinity, attempting to actuate or fulfill the plan or 'vision' (or a set of QUALITIES) of the sphere of divinity throughout the other three spheres of the Earth---"on Earth as it is in heaven!"

What I have just written [concerning "aspiring to live a transpersonal life"] is obviously far more involved than how I have presented it, for as written above, "There is a specific vision that guides the transpersonal life." Indeed as I see it this 'vision' needs to be definitely established, sustained (nurtured), disseminated, and exemplified on the Earth, and that 'work' is what I am seeking a 'partnership' for. Performing such a 'work' would be the foundation and directive force ('spirit') of the partnership-relationship and all personal matters would be oriented around such a foundation.

By now it should be clearer as to why I wrote above that "I am sort of 'off the grid' psychologically and socially-speaking---and even so-called 'spiritually-speaking.'" Obviously what I have just described (as brief as the description was) as a transpersonal partnership-relationship is quite idealistic. It is not something that is even common enough to be called rare. Mostly it is non-existent except for perhaps a few isolated occurrences both now and in history. But the 'potential' IS and from my perspective the Earth needs it actualized sooner or later and in a much broader and more widespread fashion than just isolated cases. I have never tried to be a part of such a relationship nor do I know if I am even capable of such a partnership. But I have ascertained that the effort needs to be made and I am perhaps one of the few who is willing to TRY.

So far my life has been lived primarily alone and it can certainly go forward with that same orientation. I definitely know that I cannot be part of any 'normal', 'average', 'common', or 'the usual' relationship and if that is all that is available in the world then my singular orientation will just continue. There is enough 'work' to be done even as a singularity to fulfill what the Earth needs of me. At the same time though, I 'see' that the Earth needs a much broader (as in more than singular) potential fulfilled if such a fulfillment is at all possible---and again, I seem to have such a 'calling' as to at least try to contribute to the fulfillment of that broader potential.

I think that it would be clear from the foregoing self-description that I am definitely a mission-oriented person and for me such an orientation means that I am quite focused. That focus is founded upon the "vision that guides the transpersonal life." I may (and do!) have a lot of exposure to many different ideas, and approaches to and interpretations of life and being, but I am definitely quite focused on one particular 'line of development.' From my perspective that focus is what the Earth brought me to life FOR!

--------------- Describe the ideal relationship - Part 2:

Having written the preceding capsule "self-description" let me add that at this stage of life I am not very interested in 'sharing life with someone' in the common and usual sense. I point this out because this seems to be what many if not most people are either consciously or unconsciously looking for, a "life-partner" or even a "soul mate." On the other hand the kind of partnership that I would be willing to be a part of would need to be based upon a mutual path and mutual work for the Earth, one that the 'co-working companions' would be consecrated to, a "Love in Conscious Co-Productivity." Such a "transpersonal partnership-relationship" would require earnestness and discipline, with effervescent and contagious overtones of Compassion, Self-Sacrifice, Devotion, Service, and Transformation. It would require the self-consecration and focusing of one's life in a particular direction and the acceptance of the responsibility that comes with such a dedication.

---------- ("Sacrifice" and "consecration" like "sacred" are all derived from the Latin roots "sacr-" or "sacer" which have meanings of "sacred" and / or "holy" ------ remember the seriousness of the "ashram," "monastery," and "nunnery" mentioned above! {Smile}) ----------

As I wrote earlier such "a highly focused and dedicated life . . . is quite unlike what most people are aware of and accustomed to"---and, I might add, 'willing to participate in!' (More smile)

To clarify some of the preceding paragraph, I am not looking for or proposing some sort of 'loveless' situation of common work. Rather, from my perspective, the 'love' of the "transpersonal partnership-relationship" would be founded upon something other than biological and emotional attraction and satisfaction. These latter two areas need not be denied and / or excluded---hopefully they would be subsumed within the greater purpose---but they should not be the FOUNDATION of such a transpersonal partnership-relationship. Instead the foundation needs to be based upon a mutuality of perspective, purpose, focus, and function for the Earth. Hence LOVE would be a function for the Earth as a whole and not just of biology and / or personal satisfaction.

Now I have written a bit more about myself---probably more than anyone really wants to know! (Smile) Perhaps too it may be clearer why I wrote above that "I am probably not the kind of person that most ladies would be interested in." (More smile) At any rate I know not what will be made of the my 'self-description.' What I do wish to re-emphasize though is the issue of a "CALLING." As I wrote above it seems that the very few responses that my profile generates are largely in response to my flowery and idealistic language. It seems that most of these respondents either ignore or otherwise discount the following statements from earlier in my profile:

"I am seeking someone who is interested in living FOR something, hence living a life of transformative Meaning and Purpose. There is a specific vision that guides the transpersonal life, and I am seeking a co-working companion who might come to feel a MISSION, a CALLING, to share in the establishment, sustentation, dissemination, and exemplification of that vision. The vision is inspired primarily by the works of Dane Rudhyar, and secondarily and supportively by those of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa), Helena P. Blavatsky (early Theosophy), and Arnold J. Toynbee. Thus pursuant to the actualization of this vision I am summoning someone infused with---or with the potentiality of becoming infused with---a spiritually transformative Aspiration, a receptive creative Fecundity, and a mobilized expectant Potency for a co-working companionship that would be founded upon and consecrated to a mutuality of perspective, purpose, focus, and function for the Earth."

There are many people in the world that I could probably have a satisfactory everyday domestic relationship with. I can acknowledge that I have been attracted to many a person on various levels. However having a biological / physical attraction, an emotional attraction, or even a mental attraction is insufficient---each alone or all together---for that "broader potential" that "I 'see' that the Earth needs" fulfilled. For the purposes of the partnership-relationship that I described above the sort of attraction that would be necessary to serve as an appropriate foundation would be an 'ideo-spiritual' attraction. Surely the other attractions would have a place and a contribution to make, but without "a mutuality of perspective, purpose, focus, and function for the Earth" then all of the other levels of attraction would be for naught in my case.

There are plenty of women that I could and actually do 'like,' emotionally-speaking. There are an even greater number of women that my body would like! (Smile) But for me such attractions would be and are pointless regardless of how intense, titillating, and / or exciting said attractions might be; and such an orientation has been the directing standard for most of my adult life. This is why "pretty much [I have] operated as a solitary homebody for more than four decades now". So to repeat, on my end however great the attraction might be on other levels, without the appropriate 'ideo-spiritual' attraction---without the "mutuality of perspective, purpose, focus, and function for the Earth"---no partnership-relationship of any significant substance will ever unfold or be sustained. This then is what the word "CALLING" implies as I have used it in my profile.

My best guess---and it is only a guess---is that the most appropriate type of match for the "transpersonal partnership-relationship" that I very briefly alluded to above would be someone who does not yet have a committed "path" or "direction" and is searching for one either consciously or unconsciously. As I wrote earlier, "There is a specific vision that guides the transpersonal life." For me this vision would need to be at the foundation of the transpersonal partnership-relationship. To repeat, "the foundation needs to be based upon a mutuality of perspective, purpose, focus, and function for the Earth." So if a prospective partner already has a "committed 'path'" or "direction" then I would certainly not wish to become a distraction from such a path or direction. Indeed I would encourage such a person to follow his or her "path" or "direction" as seriously as possible. But that would therefore also seemingly preclude the possibility of a "transpersonal partnership-relationship" with me, because to me it is not and would not be appropriate to expect someone to leave one "path" and take up another just to be in a "relationship."

For me choosing one's orientation in life is not a matter of right or wrong. Rather it is a matter of ascertaining what and / or which path of life one belongs on, that is assuming that one even aspires towards a path at all---not everyone is so inclined! Of course I cannot speak for anyone reading my profile. All that I can do is to make the effort to indicate where I am in Life and what I am alive for! I can also work to indicate a greater and 'more than singular' MISSION or CALLING that I see that the Earth needs to be fulfilled. But as to whether any of this applies to anyone else---well, such an ascertainment is beyond my present capabilities! (Smile)

If that "greater and 'more than singular' MISSION or CALLING" resonates and resounds with you then search for me deep within and everywhere without!

--------------- The ideal relationship: essence and evocation:

Essentially the function of the transpersonal partnership-relationship that I would be willing to participate in would be to do whatever we can while we are alive to establish, sustain (nurture), disseminate, and exemplify the vision that guides the transpersonal life, so that when we partners disappear the "vision" will be self-capable of sustaining, disseminating, and embodying itself in and through the lives of other people. Said people would hopefully be as consecrated in their own lives to the planetary 'line of development' embodied in and expressed by the "vision," as the original transpersonal partnership-relationship had been. To put the issue in simple, plain, and direct language, every way of life needs people---followers, participants, and practitioners; persons whose hearts, minds, and lives are infused and inspired by that "way"---or else it does not exist!

- - - "For where two or three have gathered together in" the name of the "vision" IT is "there in their midst." - - -

So the intent and function of the original transpersonal partnership-relationship would need to be to engender a self-sustaining movement ensouled and inspirited by the "vision" that guides the transpersonal life

Thus a potential partner would need to be inspired and / or motivated by her own relationship to that "vision." Being attracted to me as a person, potential partner, lover, etc, would be insufficient regardless as to how personally gratifying it might be to me as a person. As I envision it the potential partner would need to expose herself to the "vision" and eventually come to or develop the feeling that, "this is important. This is what I want or rather need to do with my life. I need to work to make sure this 'new way of life' becomes alive in the world in order to help to contribute to planetary evolution." To say it in a different and slightly more spiritual / metaphysical way, the potential partner needs to come to sense and feel that it is her Dharma / Rita / Function / Vocation / Calling to ceaselessly work for the "establishment, sustentation, dissemination, and exemplification" of the vision that guides the transpersonal life, alone if need be but if a suitable partner is available then also with that partner. From yet a different and more figurative perspective the prospective partner would need to become 'pregnant,' and our 'child' would be the "self-sustaining movement ensouled and inspirited by the 'vision' that guides the transpersonal life." Perhaps a way of essentializing the transpersonal partnership-relationship could be in the words of a great spiritual personage of the 20th century; she wrote, "Without him I exist not; without me he is unmanifest!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Yea, "Love in Conscious Co-Productivity" in its Fullness!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

May a potential "we" be so worthy, for indeed so worthy is the world!!!

--------------- Two fundamental questions and two divine directives:

What are you going to do while you are here?
What will you leave behind when you disappear?

Find your 'self' !
Fulfill your function !!

--------------- Describe the best day of your life:

It might be when we initiate a "transpersonal partnership relationship!" (Smile) Otherwise it may be on that 'last day' during that 'last moment' when I look back through life with that 'panoramic vision,' to see what has been both fulfilled and left unfulfilled through my performance of the purposeful function, the dharma, for which I was brought to life.

--------------- Is there anything else you'd like to share?: A Supernal Summons!

Let us one and all assume our responsibility for all-inclusive growth and transformation, and move forward in consciousness and participation in service to the emerging World Community-Communion---the consummation of humanity as a whole---and in aspiration toward the fulfillment of a greater Life for the Earth.

--------------- Gratitude and Blessings!

If you have made it this far through what now seems like a dissertation you have my gratitude and blessings for taking your time to read through my long musing. If nothing else I can only hope that the written words were worth the time that you spent reading them. If not, alas. . . .

If the words have sparked a sense of inspiration then that in itself is a blessing. May that inspiration carry you forth to greater living during this Life.

And finally, if my long musing has brought forth a "resonance" and the potential for mutuality and "conception" then with open heart and mind I await, arms outstretched toward the companion who might come. May such a potential meeting of the ways call forth creative tomorrows and a greater Life for the Earth, that Being within which we live, move, and which IS our being!



Age: 38 / straight

United States


Age: 22 / straight

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Age: 30 / straight

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Age: 26 / straight

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Age: 50 / straight

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Age: 18 / straight

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Dark Mew

Age: 29 / straight

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Age: 41 / straight

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Age: 31 / straight

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Age: 35 / straight

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Age: 24 / straight

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Age: 19 / straight

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