Night dweller adapted to day-time world and appearance for my profession.
Passionate about building a family home, either brutalism or storybook, and I have the skills and resources to do it.
Vegan before it was trendy, but I’m not a proselytizer.
I need a partner who embodies the strengths of being a woman and has space for and truly appreciates a respectful and competent man who embodies the strengths of being a man. Lacking this synergy, I would rather not be in a relationship.
If you see the problem-reaction-solution Hegalian dialectic billed as “progress”, but do not participate, we will get along well joking and laughing together while plotting our escape!
Be kind, devoted aware of how your energy is given and received and I will return more than you give.
I have three children 50% of the time.
Will travel and relocate for the right woman.