Hiiii 👋🏻
I'm Molly, 28, home owner, 15 piercings, brown/orange hair (not even sure what colour it is anymore tbh), cócktail lover, cat rescuer, and Disney fiend - just looking to make some new gig buddies and make more friends as a first priority.
Music is a huge part of my life, can't go a day without it. Prefer a mix of rock/pop punk, some metal too, and all things emo. Nearly always at Face Down @ Scala in London, first Friday of the month, come find me.
My hometown is boring AF, aspirations to get out of here are growing every day - tell me about the parts of the world you're from, all the cool s**t you find there, make me sick with envy and give me the impetus to get my ass out of here one day.
If your messages are dry AF, then don't expect me to carry the conversation alone - not here for 'cheeky fun', and if your first message is simply 'hi', then please do not bother (respectfully) 😊