I'm here because I love talking to new people. Swedes get a bit dull sometimes so I thought I'd check out the rest of you guys all over the world.
I'm 26 years old, currently living in the city centre of beautiful Stockholm. I study programming and on my spare time I hang out with my lovely friends, listen to music, go to concerts,travel and watch movies. I'm a sucker for post apocalyptic movies and zombie movies/tv-shows are the best thing that ever happened to the screen if you ask me=) Music gets me through any day, good or bad, and I think I might be using spotify more than anyone else in the world. I guess I mostly listen to metal and all kinds of rock but even I can't tell exactly what my music taste is like. Other than the things I've already mentioned I love animals ,especially dogs, and when the day comes when I have time to take care of one my life will be close to perfect. I like working out at the gym and I go out for a run now and then when the snow isn't as heavy as now. Got some piercings and tattoos and I guess there's more to come.
Anything else? Of course there is. Ask me anything or write me something nice if you stop by. You don't make new friends by sneaking around on their profile