how my cycle is going now
someone sends me msg>> i open it>> telling me how beautiful i am then asks me for my #, snap whatever>> we chat >> i get deleted for no reason, no arguing nothing>>he just deleted, no words nothing>> wonders what I did wrong>> gets a resentment toward guys>> single because i dont know why, I put all my effort to be nice and s**t>>I dont get why i get told im cute and whatever and no one wants to be my friend>>all I receive is damn sexual messages which I feel more resentment toward guys, i dont get told nice things>> wonders if how i look because im treated bad>>gets in a cycle of extreme sadness>>I'm stuck in a f**king loop
apparently some "idiots" like to use this site to fight and argue and reveal their true personality , but i could care less
full grown ass men who prefer to fight behind a monitor