First of all. If your not gonna read this, then don't bother messaging me.
Also if yu tlk lyke dis nd cnt use propr gramr thn Don't bother messaging me.
Danielle (or as most people know me, Danni) is the name.
There are a few things i don't like including lies, animal abuse, being alone at any point in time, People who constantly use the phrases "lol" and "omg", and being put down by somebody who is obviously insecure about know...the usual stuff

I celebrate my 21st on July 11th 2012
my Favorite color is green
Pandas are strictly the most adorable creature on the planet,
Hello Kitty running a close second.
Music = My WHOLE entire world♥
I sing alot.
It's thing.
So don't be surprised if you call me and i randomly start singing.
It happens.
I do have my lip pierced and a couple tattoos
So if your not into that kinda thing, Buh bai ;D
Text me

Just ask for my number, and if i think you're cool you'll get it

I DO NOT respond to single word texts. T.T
That goes for messages.
I try to respond to all messages and such
just not ones that just say "hi" or "sup"
Come on, you wanna talk to me?
Show some enthusiasm

I'm here to find someone legit.
So don't talk to me if your a fake.
I'm pride myself on being able to sniff out fakes.
Also, don't talk to me JUST because you think im "hot"
this s**t is here to read for a reason brochacho.
No i don't want a picture of your d**k.e.e
No you can't have any n00dz of me.
Yea, i cuss like a mother f**king sailor.
Get used to it or f**k off.

I have mad love for all my friends and family.
You can talk all the s**t you want to about me,
But NEVER talk s**t about the people i love.
because i will not be kind. kthanxbai.
And all of that ^^^^^^^^ = Me♥
Got a problem with it?
Consult my "Give-A-f**k"
OhWait...Don't got one.
TooBad SoSad ;D
Did you read all this?
If you did kudos to you
i gib chu a cookie

Facebook? Add me
Random facts:
♥I think obituaries would be far more interesting if they told you how the person died.
♥Sometimes i look at a clock three consecutive times, and still do not know what time it is.
♥If im in an argument and all of the sudden realize im wrong, i will still continue to persist im right by making up bulls**t facts.
♥I believe there was absolutely no point in learning cursive.
♥Bad decisions make the best stories.
What i would like in a guy:
Talkative, Sweet, Loves to cuddle, will text me every day and call me every night, Calls me baby names, faithful, honest, upfront, Has motivation to do something with his life, will put up with my numerous blonde moments, tattoos, piercings, nice hair.♥