

33 - Bi

Arizona, United States

Oct 20, 2014 11:46

"Heres to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. Theyre not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or villify them. But the only thing you cant do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see them as genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do."

I have a very low tolerance for liars, cheaters, fakes, and other forms of ignorance in general. If you care only for aesthetic pleasures, please choke on your own mindless self absorbency and drown in that shallow puddle you call a personality.

Im an old school stray cat.
I believe in loyalty, honesty, and respect.
Ive spent my 9 lives chasing shadows in these empty city streets, trying to dissect the genuine emotions that people attach to those pretty smiles and hollow words.
I dont have much to offer anyone, only whats left of my heart.

Im dreaming with my eyes open.
In my world you dont exist, and in yours I dont have a voice or a chance.
Im not looking for those missing pieces anymore,but if you do have them, please give them back.

Im a child of the night, and music, art, and poetry are my breath.

Im the asphault hoodlum who drains the veins of this hollow city.
Im in search of the echoing music off concrete walls, and 40oz dreams.

Theres nothing like watching the night creep into dawn.
When the nights are empty with the leftover residue of it all, Im still standing with loyalty in the streets.

I speak my mind and drain my thoughts into any form of communication.
I carry a pocketful of wit, and a mouthful of charm.

Im not perfect, nor do I care to be.

My voice drips down the back of my throat like melted wax.
Im cheap clothes on a wire frame skeleton.
Held together with expensive thread.

I have this rotary motor that pushes oil like tar through the plastic veins of my body.
Im recycled straws and partially melted containment organs.
When I smile the corners of my makeshift mouth leak gasoline.

Im spot welded metal and rusted paint cans.

I am not disposable.
I am not empty.
I am not lost.

Im still chasing your shadow across the pages of my half empty notebooks.
Ive been losing pieces of myself with every ink stained smear.

I am fearful of approaching hands.
I stare vacantly into the sky sometimes, trying to make shapes out of the clouds, and forget that I am staring directly into the sun.

I try to stay on track of my words but I always ramble, not because its lack of concentration,its more of a beautiful disaster of converging slideshows that battle for dominance in a empty space I claim is for counting the rhythms of haikus or for dreaming.

All I want in like is to wander and write.
Im looking for my other half, all that completes me.

Music; Subhumans, Aus-rotten, Oi Polloi, Rudimentary Peni, Crass, Discharge, Lower Class Brats, TSOL, GBH, Circle Jerks, The Adolescents, Black Flag, Minor Threat, Dead Kennedies, D.I.

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