

54 - Straight

Michigan, United States

Oct 19, 2021 01:52

Do you believe in honesty,loyalty and truthfullness,then look no further. I am looking for someone with good communication, open and honest.I do prefer that you should be a native american and weight is average to heavyset and average or above average in height then thats a plus as well as a preference of mine. I am looking for my a friend, best friend and lover. I want someone romantic and who is a single un-attached female around ages of 28-45ish and someone who has no kids who is a native american but would like to have some some day for a possible relationship and wanting that person to be the someone who likes to kiss, cuddle and hold hands. I am open and honest and have a good heart.I want someone who also likes playing computer or online games like everquest or world of warcraft,reading,writing,travelling, bowling,chatting,walks on the beach,jet-skiing,and many other things. I want someone who likes to travel. I am ready to settle down. Well, I hope to hear from you and if you dont mind then it don't matter and along with friendship means alot and lifes to short not to take risks and what I want in a relationship most is honest communication which is top priority for me. My goals in life is to be happy and find a life long relationship and partner to do things with and enjoy each other and be able to over come lives hurdles together and I would like to love and be loved,have fun and enjoyment in life,Sense of belonging ,Warm relationships with others,Self-respect,Self-fulfillment,Being well respected,A sense of accomplishment and Security.Trust is something I give freely and openly.However, I feel that when it is broken it then needs to be earned back.Not saying it would take a death defying act of congress to regain my trust, I just expect someone to assure me that they realize they broke my trust, and are genuinely sorry for it and want me to see that. I have learned to walk away from people that lie all the time. Truths and trust go hand In hand with me. Lies breed mistrust.Love your view on honesty. I have always instilled in people around and little children that lies breed mistrust. Telling the truth isn't always easy but in the long run the punishment is much less harsh. Neglecting to be forthcoming about something is like lying so no hidden agendas as well. Just be open and honest and they both are always honest with me. I can ask them anything and expect a truthful answer and vice versa. It's a wonderful way to be.All i believe is our greatest fortune are the people closest to us .you know two are as one and stronger when they stand together...Security and being with someone you are secure with is the ultimate dream in life and i know it will happen. To need each other andto be able to lean on each other..Life's way too short to take life too seriously, right?I wake up in the morning and live each day as if it could be my last.I believe in God,family and friends are so important to me.I'm a very positive and happy type person with a great sense of humor and would like to find someone who I can communicate and share my thoughts with, and enjoy life together. I think about family and friends and hope they are doing good in life. I have a huge soft spot in my heart for animals and try to understand their needs and consider them as part of my family. I also feel that the people who have passed through part of my life are sent my way many times for a reason. It's funny how I will have questions and someone comes along and shares a story with me that is similar to my present question! I love it It is always good to see another perspective besides your own.I just like to be as generous as possible with others.I don't like it when people are cruel or abusive to children. animals or others in general.One of my little beliefs is variety is the spice of life". On one test I rate high in "novelty seeking" and a more of a bit above avg. on "risk taking". This explains my liking and curiosity in exotic, rare and unusual things, ideas and places. I like to learn, and will study anything that interests me until I am satisfied I know enough about it.And When I open my heart to someone I am open about most of my thoughts and desires. but I have learned to be more careful and only share with people who love, treasure and value my ability to give lots of love and share with them. Displeasure is not always easy for me to express. I don't like to make my loved one unhappy. So I need a partner who will take me serious if I share I'm having a problem in our relationship. Well, I hope to hear from you and if you dont mind then it don't matter and along with friendship means alot and lifes to short not to take risks and what I want in a relationship most is honest communication which is top priority for me. What I really want is someone who answers questions honestly, and perhaps even volunteers information. I want someone who confidently asks for her wants and needs to be met. I want someone who can see the truth and tell it like it is while communicating with kindness. I just want someone who can communicate without being too critical, who cares about preserving her dignity. I want someone to choose me out of want rather than out of desperation -- either materially or emotionally. I desire to feel I am in need to be wanted and needed by my partner, but I want my partner to have a separate identity and would like her to be non judgemental and who accepts things as they are and who wont try to change who I am. I want someone to be active and independent, to have her own friends and interests. I want no manipulation of any kind and I do not drive or work for situations and reasons that I learned to accept and take as they are.. I do not want to read my partners mind or try to interpret signals. I do not want to be forced to move faster in a relationship than I am ready. I do not want to be manipulated into taking all the blame for things gone wrong. I do not want to be on the receiving end of game playing.I want a partner who can laugh at herself and who has courage and strength. I want someone who can see her part in relationship dynamics and own it. She has to be emotionally stable. I want someone who is developing herself personally, and who takes responsibility for her emotional experience.Fidelity is an absolute must. In fact, I want someone who does not have a "roaming eye" and who can wholeheartedly commit to the relationship. Many may define commitment as fidelity plus the willingness to work on the relationship -- even when the going gets tough.Many women treat men in ways that diminish their egos, making them feel inadequate. I would rather have more praise, more acknowledgment of what I do right, more acknowledgment that I am one who is loved and appreciated by my partner as I acknowledge the same thing back to my partner.Also if my partner lives out of state or elsewhere I hope the chance for them to relocate would be considered if any relationships get off the and finally one last thing is I love to cuddle and I want to spoil my mate with hugs and kisses and I do believe I am marriage material and I have alot to give if given the opportunity and my email is



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