

31 - Straight

Missouri, United States

Apr 2, 2021 11:10

🏆 I want someone in their 18-40 years old. Ask me questions or do your worse I guess? Maybe 💭 on that one or maybe not? I guess not ⚠️ but whatever floats your 🚣‍♂️ also I’m getting questions on the 👩‍💻 image of my page yes that’s Space Hey or Space Jupiter and Saturn. I use that and this both the most. Why do I post that as my main 🖼 screen? Because I can really? Jokes on you 🃏 but you can click that on your clicker 🐁 for more information about me if you like in the 📝 section below when you click on 🛍️ also my albums should be a big give away hint on what I like collecting or doing🎭 finding my album is easy I will not tell ya where you should be looking 🎭Yeah I mean you probably think that can’t be all you like to do? Well the truth is I really do like doing that LOL I get a wild hare 🐰 up my behind and like to go every 🛍️month and a half or two because I’ve to be in a 🛍️ mood for me to do anything! I know that’s really strange for a woman but I’m being honest here though 👾👾👾👾 Oh yeah! If anyone has any idea where my necklace came from you might get a 🍪 or even more better yet! What if we match that if we decided to date?! Wouldn’t that be adorable?! Even if we’re long distance and I 📬 that to you we can still be together in our 💭 oh I forget nobody in this day and age does that anymore! Anyways You’re Winner 🏆

🎧 hook me up into a video game world 🎮 this is all I want to listen to I never notice till now Yasunori Mitsuda is my favorite composter. You can feel all sorts of vibes flowing inside your vessel. Holy fuk his music is special. I never played Xenogears but this is fu'cking beautiful. Hook me up to my headphones and let me listen to video game music forever! The only time you will ever see tears out of my demon eyes if a music piece is way too beautiful for me! Or something has really stricken my soul or something like that along those fancy pants line!

🎭 Height is reaching at 5' probably because I'm bow legged has halted my growth and my sis is four inches taller than me and I'm half of her size as well I'm 92-96. 🐑/🐟 cusp. O positive or O negative I forgot. True and throughout full on Water Rooster. Natural bow legged. Both crooked pinky fingers. Also have bird feet. I don't get along with Bull people. Normally get along with Air and Fire people the most and Water. I seem to have an earthquake effect with Earth signs. Let me know what your Chiense Zodiac is because I'll be curious. You either A are with the 9 Divines or down with the Gods. Hail Loki as well 🎭

🗒️ Some rules and before messaging me. I know cancel culture is highly popular nowadays. People are canceling their social media accounts. Some people are anti video games like what the Hell has this world going on? Ah right communism! I already predicted this country would be a communist country a year and a half ago. Also I think the most funniest thing is the books being canceled for racism. But why and how if this wasn't years and years and years ago? Amusing. But I already knew Americans were gonna take a dump in their pants with this communism's heading in the U.S. state. So sad I predicted this.  Also people are gonna block me for saying this. But I will not get my vaccine and my dad isn't going to either. I would rather not have an allergic reaction and possibly die from that. One person that was 39 years old and had two kids had her second dose of the vaccine and a few hours later she was rushed to the hospital for uncontrolled breathing and couldn't breathe and was hyperventilating from an allergic reaction and died. How about no thanks! Also the doctors wanted to tell her family that she didn't die from the vaccine and the family said she was healthy as a horse. So what that tells me is doctors don't want to woman up or man up and tell the truth that this lady had an allergic reaction and died. Also don't be telling me. You will be fine. Nothing won't happen. Yeah okay. No. Also a few people over 37 + had blood clots. So no thanks. Btw I rarely go out anyways. I go out once a week if a family member needs something. If the so said family member doesn't then I do my two week grocery shopping. I also take 🐟 Oil and 🍵 extract and 🍏 Cider for my general wellness health so don't be telling me oh I don't care about other people's well being most people find holistic wellness full of lies but I've not been sick for a year and a half. The most I ever had was digestion problems. But that's because I eat bad baha. After all this is my choice and isn't yours. So please whatever you do don't tell me I should cancel something because I won't as well as tell me I should get the vaccine because I won't either! So leave me alone about this. Also I think what is amusing is and is a s^hit load of f>uck. I posted Animal Crossing stuff on my 📸 page and I lost 5 followers over that. Now I can understand if I spammed the living daylights out of Animal Crossing on my page but no I didn't. Not like I care about this I'm just bring that up because man that's honestly so amusing because I never lost 5 + followers until I posted Animal Crossing stuff. Like wow that's a gigantic joke. I also think people get tired of me posting toys or shirts or food items I try on my 📸 page but do I really care? No but I guess that makes sense if you get tired of seeing the same content over and over then again then maybe that is a right idea to unfollow me. But why unfollow me when I upload photos of cats eh? Also should state if you have me on read for a few days but each day or every few hours you keep uploading stories or post and by then and at that point I'll remove your follow. Why? Because most of the time when I ask why've you not messaged me back? I'm busy. I don't have time to respond and I only have time to post something. Please. Your giving me text that is saying. I really have no interest in messaging you or don't care about messaging you and just leave me alone. Trust me sweet 🎂 I can read between the lines not that hard 🎂

👹 I think I'm in love 👹

⬇️ If I'm asleep till noon or completely in a brain storm of thoughts of the Abyssal you can gladly find me here ⬇️ Don't have these? I guess that's just really stormy and windy and just way too shipwrecked ⬇️ Goodnight oh wow is the time a quarter till 5 A.M. ⬇️

🥪 I decided that if people are viewing my profile and wanna hit the inbox stop your pants or joggers and message me here instead 🥪 so any incoming mail in the inbox for the VOID then address them here 🥪 by the way the only 🥪 I like are roast beef and cheddar or a cold turkey or ham 🥪 with light mayo 🥪

🚿 Contacts and other notes 🗒️ K☄️K GearSuitOfBahamut and S🌚C beelzebubpants 🌙 Also ask yourself this when sending me messages. Will I reply? If you think I won't then most defiantly I won't then haha. So I'm looking for what other people isn't looking for something lost in the day and age. As I don't flow well with modern dating. I'm looking for a relationship where courting is needed. So many guys would be clueless of what I'm talking about. I also think matching shampoo and body wash and other shower things and even hair brushes are so darn adorable🚿

🌚 I think [game music] is something that should last with the player. It's interesting because it can't just be some random music, but something that can make its way into the player's heart. In that sense, this not only applies to game music, but I feel very strongly about composing songs that will leave a lasting impression...What I must not forget is that it must be entertaining to those who are listening. I don't think there's much else to it, to be honest. I don't do anything too audacious, so as long as the listeners like it, or feel that it's a really great song, then I've done my job 🌚

🌚 Yasunori Mitsuda, 2008 interview



Age: 23 / straight

United States


Age: 24 / bi

United States


Age: 36 / straight

United States


Age: 34 / straight

United States


Age: 20 / straight

United States


Age: 33 / straight

United States


Age: 32 / straight

United States

🌹👻Tripoly 👻 🌹

Age: 32 / bi

United States

Anbu Ash

Age: 37 / bi

United States


Age: 31 / bi

United States


Age: 20 / straight

United States


Age: 35 / straight

United States