I am a strong-willed, stubborn girl who wants to be loved for who she is, not what she does or doesn't do. I'm fun to be around once I get past my shy streak. Um I'm obsessed with guitar hero lol, well i can play on expert atleast that counts for something. I LOVE video games!! All of my friends tell me I'm their loudest and most exciting friend to be around, which is a compliment I guess. I speak my mind and am not ashamed of what I think or most of the things I say.

I like to draw and write. I love the outdoors and spend more time out then in. I taught myself to play the piano and am working on playing the guitar. Oh, and exposed hip bones on a guy = total turn on!! If there is anything you would like to know or if you just want to talk, message me. I'll answer. Peace and love all!!