I can't stand the smell of tobacco, drugs, alcohol (when people reek of it, specially wine) or bleach, so if you do any of those... please don't, at least not next to me. (I mean, you're free to drink the bleach if you want.)
Note of warning: My humor is usually extremely dark... in fact so dark that it picks cotton on it's own. Usually this pisses off leftists and sjws, and that's something I'm passionate about!

I'm a science, astronomy, history and historical revisionism enthusiast. I also love anything medieval related, events, castles, armors, weapons, battles, etc...
I'm also enthusiastic about what new memes are out there... Share some with me and we're gonna be good friends, even better friends if you can tell me who was expelled from 109 countries.
Intelligence attracts me the most from someone, and patience is a must. That's all I ask for really, and sometimes I suspect that's too much to ask for, but I like challenging conversations that makes me think, and talking with people with different mindsets.
I guess this can be enough for a topic start, if only people weren't so allergic to reading... I love when people ask me stuff, so feel free to do so.