Anthony Valentine.
Musician, currently still studying music too.
Madly in love with Nirvana, have the name inked down my left forearm.
6 piercings, lower left + right lip, left + right anti-brow. Right eye-brow and Albert.
Good humour and music taste gets a girl far.
I'm constantly, listening, playing and/or composing music. It's like an escape from the external world and the scum that populate our precious Earth.
Though i listen to alot of heavy music, i do also enjoy acoustic artists and alot of opera too. Just non that is repetitive and could have been produced by a 6 year old on FruityLoops.
I take pride in everything i do, and let nothing/no one stand in the way of my dreams and ambitions. I'd also rather be hated for who i am, than loved for someone i'm not.