

31 - Straight

Texas, United States

Oct 7, 2020 20:00

Leaving once profile picture gets accepted. I'm tired of you children and I'm tired of the harassment on here. Don't bother messaging me on my contacts because if you complain and whine about my profile you will get a block I had enough and I will not tolerate a compliant. I find that funny some of you and almost half you on here is older than me and can't even read a 30 minute or less profile. Is that seriously how weak you are? If you see me nonactive it is because I will no longer tolerate the harassment and talking to people with a 4 or 5 year old comprehension mindset. Contacts are @ the end of my profile. But sense almost all users are having a cardiac arrest after reading my profile and are dying. I don't think none of you will finish. How about grow up? Or do you need a high chair and some food in your mouth? Pathetic. All of you. Disgraceful. Rude. I find that half of you as well have no idea what poetic art is. Shows how mentality dumb the human race is going @ now and this is why I'm glad the virus is knocking down some of the human race count. The world sure needs that.

I started to understand the more my hue turned darker. The psyche. The more I became phobic and self obsessed with myself. You see what do I think about this virus? This is what happens when humans disobey Mother and turn everything into hatred and darkness and violence and that what spiraled back and injected the humans. You see what the human race needs is self eradication. The only way to cleanse is to start humanity over. In the end you hurt Mother. The roots turned ''dark'' the ''roots'' chi and focus became a outer-network chaotic infection. This humans. You deserve!

I started to understand what if a psyche hue can permanently turn black?

Appeasing Moon, when the time went 00:00 oh dear he is coming for me! He is coming for me! He is coming for me! Oh dear what have I done?!

The umbrella charm of the anchor the weight of the rain that drips down from my beast mask the one that drowned and washed away ashore the high tide of the rising tide. Oh Mother Snake please devour and appease the rising tide. Consume them in madness and insanity of the tongue of the serpentine race. So then I can hear the drops of the ocean. Cleanse the disease. When I look at your purple gem eyes can I ask something of you dear Mother? Can you wrap your tongue around me? Oh that is right unrolling the snake tongue fully is a forbidden upon the serpentine race. I'm sorry Mother. Just put me on top of your head and let me meditate or hang me on the pitch black Yggdrasil Tree that I painted black. I've never asked forgiveness Mother but perhaps just this one time? Will I ever ask forgiveness or will I turn my slits black and the beast mask will keep me hidden underneath the rising tide itself? Just this one single time Mother? I'm sorry Mother. But the tears of the beast mask will be forever hidden. I miss you lover. All I've left is Loki's will. I can't seem to find any peace anymore Mother. Won't you forgive me the crimes I've forsaken myself of the forbidden one's mind? My life will be self liberating. I'll grab Loki and drag him under the Abyss if I've to. This is farewell. I'm sorry.

You told me life was beautiful but what you didn't tell me life was beautiful black. Tell me dear lover of the fallen one? Could I paint your love onto the vessel like alchemy?

Even if the judge fell with the celestial bell charm wrapped around the neck. There the beast and the motherly side looked down in the Abyss beast slits of black. The judge is myself and I tried sealing myself my promise pain to you my lover.

Monsters are created. Not born one. There has be a driven desire and a driven will or cause becoming a monster of your own created sense by yourself or a certain someone. You can design yourself as a monster for hoping someone will notice you and love you for who you're. There is no self-denying that in that self belief life-path thoughts. Denying oneself worth is a sin itself. This is what you made me my darling. I also am sorry I couldn't love you.

In the end you made the monster you always wanted me to be. Sorry I could've love you. I might as well just leave here nobody wouldn't care anyways.

I guess I don't really fill the mold of today's society dating market. If you plan on blocking me please give me a hefty reason why. I think that's the strangest thing nowadays blocking people without any reasoning but okay? Also check photo comments if you must and also for people wondering photos take 24 hours and + to show up on the website. Comments on photos are mine. Also I think people should be judged first and foremost after a few conversational exchanges. I don't understand the block right away.

Interested? No? Okay thought so. Sense nobody isn't interested in talking to me I will leave my contacts here. I think that's so funny half of the users on here are triggered by the word spiritual you claim that's psychopathic and insane behavior when half of the users are trolls and deranged people on here? I don't think nobody understands what is poetic art. Also there was a user on here that said that I talk to myself. Please explain? I'm confused? Taking to yourself would be like ''how am I doing today?'' the reply back would be ''I'm doing good'' how does someone talk to themselves on their profile? Then he proceeds to say I'm mumbling to myself on the spiritual poetry part. The final blow was he asked if I had mental problems then proceeds to tell me he understands but that's not his problem LMAO.

Don't contact me if you follow in this category. You're a stoner or post you're a stoner or post that you do drugs. I know you're saying that for attention on your profile like most stoners say ''oh dude look how high I'm'' or ''oh I'm smoking a joint and I can smoke more than you'' just stop and understand for a second do you understand how attention seeking you sound? LMAO. If you've a busy life style and can only send more than a few text every few days and can only text ''how are you doing?'' or ''what's up?'' then we exchange a few text after that then never heard from again. Don't message me and if you pull this on me I will explain my feelings if you reject them I will block you. No I'm not asking you to have your 📱 up your A$$ 24/7. I take 15-30 minutes to reply sometimes. However if you ever don't plan on reading my spiritual blogs or some of the comments in my photos then don't message me. Some comments on my photos isn't important some are further explaining myself. Speaking of explaining myself I should post a comment on one of my photos about the wild tales I've had happen to myself on here LMAO. Don't message me if you're looking for someone with clear skin and perfect teeth. I've explained in one of my photos that I've been trying to fix what damaged I've caused because of my severe depression in the past. Teeth not so much nothing I can do with no insurance. Speaking of insurance I've explained on one of my photos about the update about my income. Look for the photo of Serah from Final Fantasy 13-2 on here. I'm also a 🐺 mother in real and in spirits if that's a problem leave. Stop treating single parents like we're a disease or some kind of plague nobody is asking for a replacement. Nobody is baiting you to become a dad. Because reality you can't call yourself a dad when you didn't 🐣 the child. The parent should be responsible for the funds. We're not a disease. Also I don't like gray hair. Or bald heads for some reason seeing different shape skulls that are bald really freaks me out LMAO. Also if you don't wash your beard or trim your beard that might be a problem which also gives me OCD and I know some beards are natural curly but I know a knot when I see one and if your beard looks like a dish-washing tool like the steel-wool-ball just no that's extremely bad. Beards are fine just please don't trash your beard LMAO. I know you're like wait didn't you say you don't go for physical dating? I did but I'm just saying what gives me OCD. I know that's bizarre but whatever. Anyways with that final said when you message me on one of my contacts of your own choice and free will just let me know who the f-u-c-k you are. Do you think I've a 🔮 ball? Failure to do so with a screenshot or something will normally end up as a ignore because that means you didn't read my profile LMAO. Also if you need a further explanation on if my E-mail is my real name that is bad and sadly I had to do so because people really thought this was my real life name LMAO. Legit who thinks my name is Snake LMAO also my Hangouts name is Snake Says Emily if you would've saw a different snake name in E-mail you would'e noticed that is another one of his Snakes. Lmao. Blasphemy. I even had a anime character named Snake with him and one of his snakes on my profile picture LMAO and he has one of his snakes around his neck LMAO. My E-mail is snakesayswilde for G-mail. and 6-K-6-i-6-k is TheFourWolfPrinces and anyways that is a wrap for my profile. Also for people wondering my conversation skills are extremely dry as dry as a desert or probably as dry as a overcooked chicken or something? Or probably like nasty Whataburger fries and I only told them no salt once but still came out cold LMAO. So I no longer ask and I give up. Oh one more thing! Taco Bell's Dragon-fruit freeze is amazing! Try some!



Age: 32 / bi

United States


Age: 30 / bi

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Age: 48 / straight

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Age: 28 / straight

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Age: 26 / bi

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Age: 50 / bi

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Age: 21 / bi

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Age: 26 / straight

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Age: 42 / straight

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Age: 18 / straight

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Age: 25 / bi

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Age: 27 / straight

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