

31 - Straight

Texas, United States

Sep 21, 2020 15:28

You told me your sun was bright but what I wanted to do was turn your sun into complete darkness. I wanted to veil you and fall in love with you. I wanted to drown and intoxicate myself into you.

Remember this kindness goes far out like 🧈 Remember be kind too others. There is already enough hate and violence in the world 🧈 and I'm looking for friends right now and I'm currently not in the state of trusting people right now I'm sorry if I heart your photo or if I post a comment that gives you a hint to inbox me or message me on a contact anyways if my profile seems rude that's your problem not mine. Reminder you can judge someone after you know them but not in the beginning 🤡🤡

In a man what actives do I like? Drawing. Collecting swords. Into archery. Into fishing. Photography. If you're into any of these things I love to see your work! Saying you're into weed sounds like you're dying for attention and isn't attractive LOL. Building things or crafty jewelry maker. Loves animals. Loves psychology or in other area fields like Marine Biology would pretty cool and tell me your favorite sea creature and guess mine! I've two! Homemade gifts are rad. I hate Paris Hilton but she makes some god damn smelling perfume. To know what kind of perfume girl I'm look up Gold Rush and the scent profile LOL. Guess my favorite flower color and least favorite. Guess my favorite Pokemon and type. Tell me your favorite tea! Does anyone like Street Fighter in background noise? Like Hadouken! Shoryuken! LMAO. Guess my favorite Street Fighter character? Anyways I'm very terrible @ conversations pretty dry like the Sahara Desert LMAO. If I don't say much to a topic that you pick out probably that's because A I've no idea or little knowledge on the subject. Or I've little interest LOL. Hazelnut coffee is all I drink with vanilla creamer or caramel creamer I will try with that pairing. I'm not allowed to have Starbucks anymore because of BLM support. Yeah I know that's stupid. I also love caramel cappuccinos. I only drink organic energy drinks. If the energy drink doesn't say made with green tea extract I won't get them. I don't know why people can't go for healthy energy drinks when the price is almost close to a poisonous not healthy one that's highly chemical for your vessel. I try to eat veggie when I can. Sadly a few people that I know in my family clan don't like me being veggie so gotta do what you gotta do so that way you won't think. F-u-c-k there she goes again not eating meat LMAO. I also love technology but not these new f-u-c-k-i-n-g phones. I like a traditional home button circle. Not too double tap or sliding your finger all over the f-u-c-k-i-n-g screen. Legit one time my aunts new iPhone SE 2020 did take me 5-10 minutes how to exit out of that $hit I probably just get a iPhone 7 or a 8 and that's how far I will go. Addicted to Icees. Do you've a favorite flavor? I love rain. Not so much thunderstorms because of the poor cats! Guess my favorite dessert! My new found love is lemon cookies and lemon pudding cake. Pumpkin flavors are rad as f-u-c-k as well LMAO. I don't really like to read unless gaming news or something catches my interest. I prefer auto sound. I don't do well with visual pictures and reading or looking at something on paper and reading that @ myself. Plus as well reading silent makes me mad. Yeah that's right I've a learning disability. As in high school labeled me ''special needs'' which is another term for mentally slow or ''down'' my grammar is awful my English teacher was uninterested to teach me or make me understand grammar she just told me ''read the instructions on the booklet and left my desk LMAO'' and she was wondering ''why four people passed her in class'' LMAO also I don't know if people care about this never finished high school I was severely suicidal. For more information ask my physical blo and personal life history. I got nothing to hide and I never will. Due to this virus a Mental Health center can't evaluate me to a psychiatrist to see if I approve for their benefit plans of finding a online job or help with income or finding me a low income apartment. I also will not make anyone I know or myself with money I get for my aunt to pay for a GED. I'm not looking for attention. I just know some people like to know things like this. I don't like to waste people's time. However not many can't seem to get the paws-point across that's what I'm trying to do. Save you time for contacting me and then waste your time in disappointment. At least I care but some people think I'm being psychopathic right now LMAO. For some reason I struggle to get along with Bull people. Libra is on the scale. Earth signs are a big ouch for me. Okay I really went off subject like I give a $hit LMAO. Okay I don't think and I'll leave my profile as in now. Before someone thinks I'm completely nuts LOL. I will no longer be making any spiritual writings either. I'm done and sick and tired of being treated the way I'm. So no more. I'm done. For people that read the spiritual blogs on my pictures. Thanks you're the very rare few that have input about them. However check out my Pars Hilton photos if you want on my photo album. Friends? I'm unsure about a date. So many backstabbers these days. So many untrustworthy people on here and the outside realm. Nobody appreciates kindness or honesty anymore and everything has too be hostile or violent. Which for some reason makes people think I'm psychopathic when I'm not and I'm just honest. When I rebuild this profile back up my profile will have tons of honesty. If you can't handle honesty then you should click out of my profile pretty fast. Also I know this might sound harsh but I'm really done for people asking what I look like. I will upload some photos here yeah. But I don't take 50 million selfies a day. I also like too keep myself very private. None of my contacts will have zero or anything related to my real name or location. Also if you're busy and can only reply within a 3-5 day radius then don't waste my time. I'm not saying your phone has to be up your A$$ 24/7. I'm just stating I've to have conversation chats for a few hours a day. No your texts also don't need to be every second or minute for me I reply every 15-30 minutes unless I randomly pass out and forgot to take my B12 vitamins. I also take Multi Gummies. Vitamin C or D3 whatever I can get my paws on sense people are raiding vitamins due to the pandemic. Starting to take Biotin soon. I want to do Fish Oil Gummies but the price is way too high and Biotin is cheaper. I normally take three Valerian root supplements if I'm wide awake. If the night is extremely bad I take two tea bags of sleep aid tea and do three Valerian root pills. I heard that Magnesium helps with sleep but never tried that at all. But I'm already taking like over 5 + items right now so LMAO. Anyways ever sense I've been taking vitamins I never gotten sick once besides seasonal allergies and food poisoning so I assume the vitamins are working. Biotin for my skin I won't see results till a month or two too adsorb in the body. I'm only looking for clear skin or something my skin requires a dermatologist I've micro-scarring. However I know this is off topic I think what off-puts people off my profile is ''I'm too honest'' well would you rather have a half A$$ed profile? Seems like that's what people want no effort. No care in the world. Half A$$ed. I think what also off-puts people is I will no longer talk about my spirituality. I've lost countless and tons of friends and even lost relationship because of such. Variety of Metal. Plan to get Pandora plus soon. Can you believe last year or two I thought I deleted my old profile? Well come to find out that was my main one with over 100 something artist probably or could be around 200 + or something like that LMAO. I'm secretly blond LMAO. For those that dye their blond hair LMAO. Sue me. I know that's terrible LMAO. Also Castlevania is music to my wolf mother ears still need to play the games though. Looked hard as f-u-c-k-e-d though LMAO. This is what pushes people over the edge about dating me. I don't want a high physical relationship or high sexual relationship. Which 75 percent of the population wants now days. Besides one night stands. Trophy wives. Joining groups and poly. That's simply not me. I apply too the very rare few that simply seems '' not date-able or not applying to the new and now dating market scene'' and I'm high maintenance in ''understanding me'' I've PTSD. Chronic Depression. Slightly Autistic. Mild insomniac. Where I'm highly awake at night. But nothing like a Valerian Root can't cure. My past psychiatrist wrote on his paperwork that my judgement is ''impaired'' probably calling me insane he did kind of looked at me like ''I'm f-u-c-k'' and my eyesight was also ''impaired'' but he is not a eye-doctor and he doesn't need to know I've a disability called Exophoria. Which if I remember correctly or could be something else a disorder where the eyes have trouble focusing and my eyes constantly move and will not stay in one place. I also am not on the market for dating because my skin has flaws from poor hygiene in my teenage years and serve depression plummet my health causing me too not care about myself @ all and same with my teeth my teeth are f-u-c-k-e-d. However you're gonna have to sedate my A$$ and also I've a overbite. Why don't I get the problem fixed? Simple no insurance and no money and someone in my family said that I'm the one that will be paying for own insurance. I legit have too be almost dying to go to the doctor. Also my clothing never matches and don't give a $hit lmao. Favorite colors besides the obvious. Burgundy. Burnt Orange. Ice blue. Slate blue. Moss or Forest Green. Dandelion yellow. Neon Pink. Favorite color combo besides the obvious? Ice blue and Dandelion yellow with chevron print design. Or Slate light gray and light muted pink chevron print design. I prefer chevron print but often that is not found so I stick with stripes LMAO. Remember if I'm not online message me on one of my contacts! Also remember and take note that I prefer to be messaged on one of my contacts and also look for a comment in one of the Paris Hilton CD holding funny photo! Let me know who you're or a selfie otherwise I won't have no clue! Oh yeah! Thinking about getting the banana yellow Switch! Let me now what you think of the other colors and I'll tell you mine! Contacts? Sure do will post them in one of my photos LOL.

Remember if offline don't message me here check out my photos look for the second Paris Hilton photo and not the profile picture photo that I use here! Which would be the best choice as I'm offline now! I also won't tolerate complaints about the profile length so if you wish to chat because of that I will just discard



Age: 25 / bi

United States

Marilyn Manson’s kitten

Age: 104 / straight

United States


Age: 19 / bi

United States


Age: 22 / straight

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Age: 30 / straight

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Age: 28 / bi

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Age: 43 / straight

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Age: 27 / straight

United States


Age: 27 / straight

United States


Age: 27 / straight

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Age: 39 / straight

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Age: 19 / bi

United States