Great big greb. Post lockdown, even bigger and arguably dumber. Six foot five heavy music fan, brought up on grunge and metal, and into pretty much everything except country, showtunes, opera and synthpop. Seriously f**k synthpop.
Don't watch much TV, especially not reality TV. If you're looking for someone to spend days at a time on the sofa with, watching boxsets, then it's probably not me. I generally prefer reading, and video games. This probably qualifies me as a nerd. I think past a certain point you stop really giving a damn about labels like that.
I like staying up with a few drinks and talking about stuff more than watching tv- making a connection and reinforcing it. If that's the sort of thing you like, get in touch. I'm always happy when someone wants to chat.
It's very important to me that I keep on playing music and doing general music-related stuff, so if that's important for you too, so much the better. People like us should stick together. In a fairytale world, we'd start a band. Ahh, dreams.
I'm looking for someone who would like to tell me about their day, or their week, and ask me about mine. Simple things. I've tried being single for a while now and on balance I've got to say it's overrated at best. If you feel the same, drop me a line.