I've been used, abused and tossed aside by girls (yes it happens to guys as well)
I want something more but its difficult for me as I feel like im gonna get hurt again.
ok some things about me:
5, 11''
Black Hair
Brown Eyes
Slim Built
Uhh lets see I'm a Bar Supervisor i love my job because i get to meet so many interesting people.
I try not to take myself to seriously i love having a laugh even if it is at my expense
I don't sleep - like really.
I'm quite shy.

I play guitar - not well but I do my best
I like music usually alternative stuff.
I'm not sure what I want at the moment.
I'm not good at this hahaha.
I Have a Cat called Meow (or B) who is the softest thing ever.
I have time for everyone but im sometimes quite busy
Drop me a message I love to chat.
If you want to chat to me message me I find it hard to make the first move sometimes.