Having been told that i possess a somewhat intimidating henchman-like appearance, i'm actually an extremely patient, kind and gentle soul that geeks out about nerdy things a lot. I have a dark sense of humour. Laughing is my coping strategy in difficult situations which can be a bit tricky when it's on the somber side of serious. Furthermore i'm introverted, i do computer programming for "funsies" and i can't leave a rubics cube unsolved.
I adore the winter and prefer night time. I'm a very warm person (physically as well as emotionally) so the cold air soothes my viking blood.
Despite not being great at it myself, i love eloquence. The correct use of apostrophes is a turn-on for me. I'm fiercly loyal, honest (often too honest) and empathetic.
I guess getting to know the rest of my cogs and gears and how i fit together is really up to you to ask.
INFJ-T, apparently.