Yes my name I really darkstar I can prove it
I smoke and drink
I love miw ptv and a little bvb
Led Zeppelin and acdc
Looking for friends I doubt anyone here lives near me
I have two tattoos on my elbow and wrist on both arms
I'm a skater
I draw even Though i suck
Virgin 🤣🤷
Almost 19
Growing my hair back out
Yes I want piercings but I'm to broke
Like words can't express how poor I am
Just got dumbed recently by my ex fiancee
Trying to quit smoking and drinking or at least quit smoking cigs and cut down the drinking to a minimal
I'm from California
Born in San Fran
My body is littered with scars
I have social anxiety bad
My eyes are brown
I'm 5ft 11
170lbs about
I work out not as much as I used to
I spent most my childhood in group homes foster homes juvenile hall mental facilitys and on the run
I don't have really any friends at all I mean none like a big fat ZERO
ASK Anything