

30 - Straight

Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Aug 23, 2019 10:25

'Sup, I'm never quite sure what to write here so rambling warning.

I'm a German/ American citizen currently finishing up my Bachelor's degree and trying to figure out where to go in life. I'm into gaming on my PC, mostly single player adventure type games these days. I love the fantasy genre in general in all forms of media from books to TV and movies, and obviously games. I have a particular draw to creepy, scary content and love horror stories. As far as music goes, I'm mostly situated in the early Disturbed, Orden Ogan, Gemini Syndrome crowd. I don't want to give an exact genre as I tend to bounce around. Mostly, I prefer when singers aren't doing the death metal screams and want to hear them actually sing.

I'm looking for someone who enjoys time on the couch, is independent (I have a tendency to leave texts until later), believes the ending to Game of Thrones sucked, and can get me out of the house every now and then.

I'm especially interested in guys with piercings.