

31 - Straight

Texas, United States

Aug 5, 2019 09:43

Tell me about dream city. Tell me where do these dreams go and the forgotten dreams I can’t seem to remember of you? Tell me will these shine a prismatic translucent veil or would this be a prismatic version of a nightmare? Would I love to see the sun with you? But what if I couldn’t? What if I couldn’t see beyond the veil anymore and I’m clouded by my nightmares? Tell me will this dream city await for someone like me? Tell me will dream city await someone that’s beyond the clouds with themselves? Will this dream city accept the one that forgotten themselves and the dream completely and lived a fabricated life? This life of the veil that won’t come off the beast mask and no matter how many times I pull and tug with my midnight wolf paws the mask is completely stuck. Have I already arrived at dream city but I can’t see? Because I can’t see myself? Or perhaps this fabrication is myself? Or perhaps this is the lost identity I created myself? Or perhaps the veil is over my beast mask but I’m so used to this and wanting to be the sun and meet you at dream city but I know I’ve ended and so I’ve ended the path of solitude. Here I sit with a shot glass of whisky or brandy thinking the thoughts of you but more or so the colorful blossoms of dream city where everything is still and cold and just as cold as the way I’m and the way my colors paint many colors and many personalities on my mask. For this is my prismatic nightmare.

Friends only thank you very much .

I wonder where my boyfriend could be but I like sending him a nice message on here that can read and that's just the silky wolf love girlfriend that I'm. Somewhere other than here my boyfriend took flight somewhere and ruffled for me but that's all the personal info I can say because I really do love them ruffles on my silky midnight wolf fur of mine. But I will say no more because I've found love and I'm smiling and I feel so cared for. But I just like boosting myself and boost my crippling depression and ego

I also don't care if you're bi gay or trans or anything like that either.

Insta - sleepydreamwolf

KiK - KuroKuroDarkness

Sleeper. Enjoys me some fine peach Brandy. Enjoys me some Fireball. Enjoys me some ice cold Jagger. I also love other drinks such as tropical Mai Tai and Tropical Sunrises. Vodka and pink lemonade or diet Dr.Pepper and stuff like that Thursdays or Fridays are my drinking days and followed by Sunday. Yei I know that's weird I've my own days of drinking but I mean I really do love my booze . Pokemon Shield is better than Sword. Video game lover RPG styles. Wannabe video game collector of random assortments of pink consoles or blue or white etc. Wannabe regretful video gamer of collecting the video games I no longer have or start a RPG collection of what my paws can grasp. Me and my boyfriend want to match one day . Picky eater. Cat lover. Well for that matter anything else you can just ask because this just basic sums me up besides watching anime ever so often just depends on what my motivation and my crippling depression feels like and what mood my sensors are in. I'm a oddball at best but that's all fine and fancy for that matter anyways . Oh as well for that matter I don't know anymore either.



Age: 44 / straight

United States


Age: 28 / bi

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Age: 22 / straight

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👹 ring girl/ Sadako 👹

Age: 24 / straight

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Age: 29 / straight

United States


Age: 28 / straight

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Age: 26 / straight

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Age: 27 / straight

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Age: 30 / bi

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Age: 43 / straight

United States


Age: 30 / gay

United States