

34 - Gay

North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Feb 20, 2015 23:29

Hey everyone!

Being a Metalhead is such a strong part of my identity and I have no shame in admitting that I feel most at home whilst in a crowd of sweaty, Heavy Metal fans, heads banging and fists pumping. Wacken Festival in Germany is my home away from home, but I also love attending gigs in the UK along with Bloodstock Festival, annually.

Despite the fact that one of my passions is taking photographs, you will notice I only really have poor webcam quality/phone pictures of myself. I guess I'm just not narcissistic enough for fantastic self-portraiture. However, I love capturing live music photography when I'm lucky enough to gain photo passes and intend on making a career out of my photography in the coming years.

I suppose you could describe me as somewhat of a computer geek. I spend a great deal of my time on the computer, either browsing the web or more often than not, playing games! I have loved video games for as long as I can remember and wanted nothing more than a SEGA Megadrive when I was a very young child. My parents finally caved and bought me one for my fifth birthday, which I blame (thank) entirely for my lifelong love of gaming. Nowadays, I am a frequent player of League of Legends and particularly enjoy games from within the sub-genres of RPGs.

I have always been a big animal-lover; both of wildlife and domesticated pets. I currently keep a corn snake, hamster and a golden retriever, who I love immensely. The best holiday I have ever been on was to Canada, where I saw 25 different species of mammal in the wild! I would definitely consider moving there to live, one day..

If you want to know more about me, please don't hesitate to get in contact!



Age: 49 / straight

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 52 / straight

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 54 / straight

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / bi

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 42 / straight

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / bi

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 59 / straight

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / bi

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / bi

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / bi

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 49 / bi

North Yorkshire
United Kingdom