Between NY and NC a lot.
Not sure why I'm here. Guess I'm looking for something new in life. The area I live in is mainly toxic. Toxic asf. People are trash. Friends dying left and right from heroin so if you're a junkie, kindly f**k off. I work night shift at a hotel. Was recently managing a restaurant I was at for 5 years but got fired due to a torn acl and meniscus. Just had surgery though so I'm moving onto better things when I'm fully functional again. I'm not in school because I can't for the LIFE of me figure out what I want to do that I'll enjoy. I PROCRASTINATE HELLA HARD. Kinda want to move and start over. I'm slow to trust people. Oh and I'm f**king crazy, especially when I drink. I'll binge drink once a month and rant and rave and cry and bleed and yell and f**k and fight until I wake up miserable and say SORRY GUYS I'M NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN. Hey just being honest, lol. I'm pretty borderline with a side of anxiety and PTSD

I have 4 s**tty leg tattoos that you get when you are 18 at a party. An anarchy sign, FML, a heartagram, a 4 leaf clover and 1 professional one on my arm of a blade going through a heart. Also my dead best friend's name on the side of my foot. Piercings ummmm snake bites, dermal under my eye, ears. I've had a monroe twice, my eyebrows, my nose, 3 lip rings at one point but never all of them at once. Less is more.
I have green eyes. My left arm and hand is pretty scarred up. I'm not very religious. I don't care what other people do with their lives and with their bodies as long as it's not f**king MY life up. We're all gonna die soon and I'm not wasting my time arguing over abortions and gay rights on social media sites every day. It's kinda weird I can manage to get along with literally ANY kind of person unless they piss me off, even the worst kinds of people. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. I'm very adaptable and I don't stick to social circles. I'll be at a gay bar one night and a bike club the next. The last guy I beat up was bashing on mexicans all night and I got fed up. My patience is crap. I'm also pretty selfish. Clingy, nice people bore me but I'm a hypocrite. I dye my hair a lot from blonde to black to red. I have crazy, detailed, "out of this world" dreams. Once a week I wake up with a feeling of dread immediately thinking what the hell am I even trying to live for but the feeling goes away. Android > iPhone. I love snow. I believe that ANYTHING is possible including unicorns demons aliens fairies ghosts "spirits" big foot idek. Key word, possible.