Fun and funny is a good virtue that I admire. Sarcasm, play fighting and insults (in a playful way) are encouraged!
When I think of the sea I think of energy flowing down a creek, pools of chakras.
I'm funneh, 420 friendly and liquer happeh
Meme friendly!
I bring the club to Netflix
I sneeze in braille
I cough in Danish
I speak in English
Learning German so test me (small talk for now)!
Every zoo is a petting zoo... if your brave enough... oh and I bite 😉🤓
My eyes change color but are mostly hazel in the center with green on the outside.
If you like loyalty and massages (I'm a massage therapy student) then you should send me a message!
I'm a nerd, a dud, a dork, and a smart ass with wit mixed in.
I value intellectual conversation above all things, so if you can hold a conversation we are cuddling fursore
Colored hair is AwSoMe! Trying to get mine full white, snow white, or kinda a grayish silver.
Very spiritual and open. Non judgmental so ask or say anything and you will get the answer you need.
When you think of me, dont think of my appearance, think of me as a person who deserves everything I give the universe.
Destiny is what God does, fate is what we do with that.
So was it destiny... or fate?