I'm darker than I look, but if you're looking for Dracula, sorry: you found Draco. I can cook. I think scars and horns are hot. I listen to everything from The Cure to Skinny Puppy to A Perfect Circle, and that only covers the buzzwords.
Just looking to meet cool people in the DMV. My SO and I are exploring poly, but we're not really there yet. Hit me up if you're bored or lonely and want a new friend.
-Night Owl and caf-fiend
-Front lines waging the War on Christmas.
-Help me pick out a bike!
-If you come to me for sympathy, you will get sympathy; I will choke on the urge to solve problems.
-One of my superpowers is the ability to Netflix and actually just chill.
-Talk to me about Spaaaaaaccceeee!!!!