

30 - Straight

prague, Czech Republic

Nov 6, 2018 19:02

I’m lactose intolerant but cheese pizza is my bae.

I love to have the fun so I don’t obey all the rules.

I don’t feel ashamed for who I am, that’s my parent’s job.

This is who I am, live with it.

It’s not your job to like me. It’s mine.

I am perfect, I love and accept myself as I am.

I’m so hot that I contribute to global warming.

I’m a nice guy, but I like to get into trouble.

I don’t mind making jokes, but I don’t want to look like one.

My life, My choices, My mistakes, My lessons, Not your business.

I am the peanut butter you’ve been craving for!

If I am not for myself, who will be?

I am a tale, I am a book, written in different languages and styles.

I may not be perfect but parts of me are pretty awesome.

Sometimes I think, and sometimes I am.

I’ll never be perfect, but I can be better.



Age: 37 / straight

Czech Republic


Age: 24 / straight

Czech Republic