

52 - Straight

Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom

Jun 24, 2012 08:14

I'm a creative soul with a zest for music. I like most kinds of good music except hard house/club type music and enjoy going to festivals (mainsteam and boutique) and live gigs. I spend a fair whack of time writing and recording stuff for fun and occasionally form loose allegiances with other musicians to try it out live.I don't pretend to be very good at it , but it's the satisfaction of the creative process that drives me to continue- 'comfortably s**t' being the name myself and friends last settled on in my most recent collaborations. For those keen to get an idea of what this is all about look up 'Wonko the Sane' on Itunes or Spotify.I don't really aspire to a life of opulence. I work in a profession I'm passionate about, advocating for the rights of others and commissioning services for them, for a frugal wage and little recognition but good job satisfaction. My evenings are not typically spent in front of the T.V. (I've got one i've just forgotten what it is and how to work it) I'm hooked to the interweb and can spend hours lost in cyberspace both reading a huge amount of useless miscellany and esoteria and chatting to mates on the interphone whilst playing virtual scrabble. When I'm out and about locally , I enjoy the odd drinky with friends at quiet pubs with good proper beer like at the ouseburn scene in the town. I like going to the flicks both for mainstream throwaway entertainment such as a huge blockbuster like Avatar - and to see art-house films.I'll give anything a go - I once sat all the way through the uncut version of la belle noiseuse for a painstaking six hours, a strange evening interspersed with conflicting emotions of both appreciation of the beauty of the cinematography and thoughts about the design flaws in the seats at the Tyneside. I do love the moody ambivalence and styles of 60's Jean-Luc Godard films. I've got an irreverent sense of humour and enjoy live comedy such as ross noble and anything on the wild side.

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Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


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Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


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Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


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Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


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Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


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Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 21 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 61 / bi

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 31 / bi

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 47 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom