I have a degree in creative writing and am going to train to become a teacher! Exciting.
I love reading many genres, I've read classic English and American literature but I also love science fiction, crime, even comics and graphic novels. I recently got back into manga, but now that I have finished my degree, I am looking forward to reading what I like again!
I am passionate about many genres of music, film, art etc. I am a big fan of the Russian auteur Andrei Tarkovsky but I'll happily watch the latest Transformers movie. I also love David Lynch, especially Twin Peaks. I love classical music, movie soundtracks, industrial metal, grindcore, synth-wave, shoegaze, ambient, the list goes on. I've done the band thing in the past, vocals, words and performed. Was fun.
My raison d'etre is writing, however. I've written several novels, and short stories though and am trying to get published now. I have some of my work on a website of my own creation and I host a podcast called For the Love of Fiction that covers many genres and subjects!
Really could do with some readers of my work at the moment while I slave away preparing a novel for publication, any takes?
IG - writergmgroves