I'm also asexual. Basically, that means I have no desire for s*x, and I get intimacy in other ways from the person I am with. If you like s*x, that's your choice. You do what makes you happy. But I much prefer to get to know people and what drives them

I now work for 2 sister companies, with both sides fighting over me! I am really happy in this new role, and they are keen to keep my own personal development moving forward too. I couldnt ask for a better job! What makes it even better, the manager who i sit opposite is a huge metal fan too! So we spend most of the day talking about music, gigs, and festivals that are coming up! My role is a technical support analyst and health & Safety officer, which I absolutely love!
I'm still a rather tall guy (some things never change), and I now also drive too. Im big into my photography, and a huge lover of all things horror related too!
I seriously never ever know what to write in these things so im probably gonna end up blabbering on about random things about me.
Im a HUGE lover of music! Music is in my blood, If you wanna know more about that, just ask. I love going to gigs and festivals and. 4 times ive seen Rammstein live now

Gotta love the horror too. Nothing better then a scary movie!

Really, what im looking for is some nice people i can get to know and talk to