

30 - Straight

Rhode Island, United States

Jul 26, 2022 00:24

Hey guys!!so here's a little about me...
My Real Name Is Alicia but everyone but my family calls me Aly...

i'm friendly so don't be shy
i don't bite...much
i draw a bit but nothing utterly amazing lol
when i'm friends with someone i'm here for them
so if you like to be my friend sure ^.^ lets be friends
i love to write Fan-Fiction and i do some original stuff too
i'm a bit outgoing with friends but at home i'm so lazy haha...

What I'm Looking For Relationship
someone who will love and support me through my depression someone who is patient and understanding..obviously faithful and trustworthy towards me and them..i have a thing for the shy/sensitive types and or maybe a little bad boy type or all of the above ^.^

Friendship wise?
i want someone i can talk to no matter how much i over react to something ^.^ like what might be a little thing to you is a big thing to me...but it's not requested in definitely...just someone who can make me smile and laugh and can trust ^.^ maybe like the same type of music as me

i hate ignorance,arrogance and c**kiness also i don't like haters towards race/sexual preference/religion because i believe we are all one

i am lay back most of the time but when it comes to any of my bands or youtubers i watch they all mean so much because they been there for me through so much and are all my ride to die...

if you want to ask more then go ahead and write in my ask station or message me ^.^

PS.Don't Ask for n*des(t*ts-below the belt) because it's not happening okay ^.^

Official Website:



Age: 36 / gay

Rhode Island
United States


Age: 27 / straight

Rhode Island
United States


Age: 31 / bi

Rhode Island
United States


Age: 26 / bi

Rhode Island
United States


Age: 38 / straight

Rhode Island
United States


Age: 56 / straight

Rhode Island
United States