I love basically anything of art but my prime talents fall in oil painting, sculpting with clay, and drawing with pastel.
I love to listen to music but who doesn't. My preferred genre is Rock music and I'll listen to all forms of it. I do listen to all other categories just not as much and I will always give new ones a chance to see if they strike my Muse.
I like to cook and will search for new ways to cook and learn them. It would be nice for the female counter part to know how as well, that way you can teach me as well. And if not I don't mind teaching you I find that it will be fun and memorable.
I loved to lift weights but it's a little harder now a days with work and all coming home late and just being tired. I still put some time into it and would like to make it a habbit again.
I also plan on joining the military, I just have this urge to better my self and do something great. I want to be able to say later on in life "Yea I did that, and yea I went there, and yea saw that".