I don't like the books or the movies.
That's not my birth name but that's what you can address me as.
I'm looking for friends, boys and girls.
Chat buddies, internet friends, human contact without leaving the comfort of my bedroom and laptop.
I sound like a reclusive shut in. I am not.
KIK Me; prettytragedy (I won't send n*des or talk dirty to you. I will how ever hit block.
Instagram: PrettyTragedy (follow me because my follower count is underrated)
I'm a writer.
You won't be able to tell from this because I have the attention span of a rock.
So like the saying goes 'don't judge a book by it's cover'
I'm working on a novel and some day in my lifetime I will finish it.
I love art. All kinds of art. Everything is art to me.
Spilled fruit punch on the white carpet? Not a mess. ART.
The Renaissance Era is my fave.
I'm a tea addict, I must have at least 10 cups of tea per day or I will just shut down.
Former coffee addict. Cinnamon coffee still fuels my soul.
James Bay, Ellie Goulding and Fiona Apples are my favorite singers.
They're on repeat like every minute or every day.
I don't always listen to music but when I do, it's them.
I have a bunch (HAHA, grapes) of favorite bands. Can't even be bothered to name them all.
But Chvrches is definitely number one these days.
I have the same birthday as the lead singer and we studied the same major in Uni.
Horror movies obsessed. 80's teen movies are actual life.
I like chatting. It's good for the soul. Although, I'm not good at conversation and it'll probably seem like I'm anti social.
Oh wait, I am.

I feel everything so deeply. I feel things in other places besides my heart like in my veins.
No, it's not a medical condition. *rolls eyes*
My high school years were spent being 'emo' as everyone called me.
Everything triggers and sets me off. (I've been diagnosed with Bipolar depression and mild schizophrenic tendencies.)
Sometimes I just want to get rid of these pesky emotions.
I'm an aspiring sociopath.
Any tips on how to become a heartless human being would be appreciated

I'm pretty shy and awkward.
I don't like to open up and I don't want people to know any more about me than what I told them.
I have nothing to hide, I just don't want them to know. Is that weird?
I sweat and shake when I have to order from restaurants so I just end up getting a Lunchable and going to the self service lanes.
I have a childish personality. I admit that.
I have a morbid sense of humour. I'll say things that don't make sense.
I wear too many bows in my hair. Or some kinda of headband. Flower crowns are my fave.
I have a large collections of hoodies, all kinds of designs and patterns.
You'll more than likely see me in the same hoodie every single day. For like three months straight.
My style is a mixture of everything.
I can't be tied down to one thing.
I'm pretty indecisive. I can't ever make up my mind.
I'm a lot older than I look. I'm actually 82 years old.
What's my secret? I bathe in the blood of virgins twice a week.
Wow, that was 15x times longer than I anticipated.
I must be hella bored to write this long of a profile that there is a 98% chance, won't even be read.
Msg me if you wanna chat.