Hi I'm Lily, I am a 21 year old, highly ambitious student working toward becoming a MUA/FX and Fashion Designer.
Yes, my Ancestry is European mainly French, I can live in Europe, Canada or Australia. But I was born in Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
If I had to describe myself I'd say, I’m a arty, bubbly, happy, funny, kind, compassionate, caring, articulate and interesting person. Oh and that I have high standards or expectations, but I think truly I just see the big picture and know what I want. I’d say I’m really good at sacrificing my personal time and caring for others, I’ll buy you medicine take care of you when your sick, give you the best emotional support and comfort I can provide, I’d try and cook for you. And I do my best to show my appreciation.
I could never live without animal interaction I love nature so much, I'm always moving places every year in Perth aha, I wish I had more socialisation in my life so I joined this I'm shy at first but then I come out of my bat-cave eventually. I'm really into sketching on canvas before painting and creating new make-up or fashion designs, I listen to music so much I think I've gone a lil hard of hearing, so please don't speak too softly when we meet-up haha, music is the best!!
My favourite books, movies, shows, music and food would be:
-As for a books, I love educational ones, knowledge is power and being knowledgeable is fun!
-Well as for a favourite movie I’d say would be, What if directed by Michael Dowse. Screenplay written by Elan Mastai.
-And as for a TV show I enjoyed, A young doctors note-book, directed by Alex Hardcastle and screen writers being Shaun Pye, Vicki
Pepperdine, Tim Steed and Daniel Cerquiera.
Yes I know both star Daniel Radcliffe, I just admire his acting so much!
-As for music it’s whatever appeals to my ears. Has to have allot of time signatures and uniqueness to it though.
Let's talk LDR: I don’t mind travelling to you Internationally, at all as-long as you provide the tickets there and back.
I spend allot of time thinking about:
-If there are more good than bad people in the world, if there’s good how do I find/recognise them?
-If love actually exists, or If marriage in the past was more of societal expectation and or if anyone believes in partnership for life or if anyone really falls in-love for the intention of caring for another. Or if everyone cheats and can’t be satisfied anymore. I just view it as, people think relationships are disposable and aren’t to be taken seriously in the fact emotions get taken advantage of. Or if people think a relationship is to use another, when I totally disagree with it all. I want the opposite.
-Why new forms of entertainment aren’t being created, I understand that there’s limits to creation due to the 5 senses, but still, I’m getting bored with current inventions. I am amazed at how us humans have progressed from cavemen to this, but now that we have so much available I wonder why we aren’t advancing quicker into something even more amazing!?!
I love adventures, let’s exercise, visit cool places! Take risks ( do something daring), life is a strand of memories and it's too short to waste, I just want to fill them with art, music, parties, positivity, laughter, relaxation and fun times! I also am a very good listener. I want to share my love, time and positivity with the right person or new friends, feel free to message me, ..I won't bite unless you want me to.