

35 - Straight

Texas, United States

Jun 2, 2022 18:46

I absolutely hate small talk, its a huge waste of everyone's time, so let's actually talk about things (:

I also won't date anyone whose had the vaccine.

The vaccine is what is killing everyone, not an imaginary virus and if you take the vaccine you will probably die too; especially if you have multiple doses. I have video proof of this below if you wish to learn the truth. For everyone else, enjoy each day because you dont have many of them left.

(add a dot between odysee and com, altscene doesnt allow links. Also the last link has a space between : and d because altscene forces emoji's.)

odysee com/@cv19:b/Stefan-Reich---Graphene-razor-blades-found-in-the-COVID-vaccines-Dr.-Andreas-Noack:2

odysee com/@PerfectSociety:8/Terrible-adverse-vaccine-events-reactions-side-effects-deaths-compilation:c

odysee com/@HeavenBoundTrucker444: d/.antivax:5

(Before anyone even considers having surgery, look up what Anesthetic Awareness is (feeling everything under anesthetics during surgery without being able to move, scream or anything); or just watch the movie Awake (2007) with Hayden Christensen and Jessica Alba, which is based on peoples experience when this happens to them. And remember that the chance of this happening to anyone who goes under anesthesia is only 1 in 700, making it more common than you think.

If you need to have surgery for a certain reason or have a serious medical condition, please message me first, I study Naturopathy. Every illness or disease can be fixed without surgery. So please message me so we can talk about your options.

"If we were supposed to be opened up, we would have come with a zipper.")

Before you read anynore of my profile, I'm not interested in dating anyone that has children. I don't mind being friends though!

Hello everyone my name is Benjamin, maybe we have some things in common (:

• Astrology Zodiac signs:
• Sun - Virgo
• Moon - Pisces
• Mercury - Libra
• Venus - Scorpio
• Mars - Virgo
• Jupiter - Cancer
• Saturn - Capricorn
• Uranus - Capricorn
• Neptune - Capricorn
• Lilith - Libra
• North Node - Aquarius
• Rising sign - Aquarius

The Astrological birth chart above means a detail-oriented person who loves to help people, solve problems and can be a perfectionist. Seeing the world for it is; all the sadness, trauma, heartache, despair, grief, and suffering in the world, but also seeing all the beauty in it too, seeing literally everything. Being very independent and not really caring what others think and just do what is thought to be right or makes themselves and their partner happy. As long as happiness is achieved the thought of others are not important. Completely full of love though very nuturing towards everyone and want to help them anyway that's possible. Definitely romantic but doesn't think bigger is better, so not the type to use flowers to be romantic, instead showing with actions that the person means something to them, not some object bought which can be given give to anyone which isn't sentimental or personal. Balanced communication is very important, however too much and too little communication is disliked as well, there needs to be balance and harmony. Communicating ideas comes naturally. A great listener and loves hearing other points of view for subjects and learning to expand personal knowledge but won't listen to someone disrespectful. They're very artistic and see the beauty and hidden meanings in art others might not see. A very orderly and efficient leader, making certain to understand the entire picture before making any decision for themselves or others. Very hard working individual and when the mind is made up on something nothing can get in their way and won't stop until their last breath. Belief that anyone can achieve anything if they believe in themselves but that person also needs to put in the blood, sweat, and tears to obtain that goal as well. A deep desire to change the world for the better, with a knowing that they were meant for something great; having no desire to have the ordinary life and to be selfish while watching the world burn around us. Very much realist not an optimist, not thinking anything will just fall into our lap; and understanding how the world works, how business and success works and understanding the steps required to be made to achieve any dream. Not trusting in governments or any authority that rules over the people. That the way things have been done in society is not the right way, that there needs to be change in the perception of the way we think as a society and its our goal to make a change in the way people view the world. A very fantastical dreamer. This mind likes to dream of something greater and fantastical, detached from reality instead of thinking of the physical mundane world. There's a lot of anger and pain within, feeling helpless, empty, and powerless and trying to find ways to obtain the power that is not possessed so they can transform and be reborn. Tend to be naturally very charming and have a strong desire to change the world for the better.

• Personality types:
- Sigma male (Basically the John WIck personality type. The Mysterious rebel introverted alpha male.)

• Ravenclaw

• Romantic (Only IF a girl can actually get to my heart, which is heavily guarded from being hurt)

• Gaming - RuneScape 3, Old School RuneScape, Rachet and Clank games, Twisted Metal, Crash Bandicoot games, Doom 3, Spyro games, Fuzion Frenzy, and many more.

• Raw Vegan

• Naturopath

• Study: Herbology, Biochemistry and Pathology to find new ways to cure supposedly "incurable" diseases.

• Favorite Color - Green

• Favorite Type of Food - Asian

• Movies - I watch entirely too many to list but have seen almost 2000. My favorite genre is Comedy. I do like Romantic Comedies too but don't like the sappy parts if I'm single lol. My second favorite is Action movies.

• Favorite TV Shows - Family Guy and Spongebob, though I'll watch pretty much any 90's cartoon like Doug, Rugrats, Rocko's Modern Life, The Powderpuff Girls, I love Ed, Edd, and Eddy, Dexter's Laboratory, etc lol.

• Love to read - Mostly non fiction to gain knowledge, but do love some fiction every now and then.

• Alcohol: I do drink alcohol sometimes but I only drink dark beer, I've never liked piss beer lol.

• Music- Bands will be listed in bands list, but basically listen to a few genres; Nu Metal, Pop Punk, Electronicore, Alternative Metal, Metalcore, Post-Hardcore, Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal and Technical Death Metal.

• 432 and 528 Hz Music

• Singing: I sing and scream pretty much any genre and play guitar.

• My perfect match would be a Leo sun / Leo rising woman because I like confident, loyal, passionate women; the alpha female who knows exactly what she wants and will do whatever it takes to get it. I like a woman that wants me, not needs me. A woman thats independent that doesn't need me for anything but prefers to be with me. Preferably she would be a blonde and blue or green eyes, that's not materialistic, doesn't believe in marriage, isn't interested in having children, doesn't care about money and believes that both people in the relationship are equals and one doesn't need special treatment, as well as not believing that each gender has to do certain things. For example I don't believe that a woman should be the one to clean the house, the dishes, the clothes, make food, and all that stuff. I believe both people should both do everything and be a team.

The last time I wrote this it was a novel so I tried to keep it short and to the point this time lol. If you'd like to learn more about me, just message me. If you want my number I only text over Signal Private Messenger (:
I don't do social media though lol.

Hope to talk to you soon ^~^

As I look into your eyes
I begin to be hypnotized
My heart flutters as I put my hands on your hips
Kissing you softly and romantically on the lips
You kiss me back putting your arms around my neck
We kiss and kiss for what seems like an eternity of bliss
If only I could find a woman to make this dream come true
Because I'll always be a passionate romantic for ever and ever
Like words written in stone my love will last forever


When I was little I wasn't allowed to go outside
As soon as I tried I'd have to run and hide
I was born into a family that hated me
Not allowed to do anything but cry and scream
I'd wish so hard that it was just an awful dream
My heart had been ripped and torn
Tears ran down my face
Holding my knees asking God to make me never born
Leaving no trace behind because they wouldn't even mind
Why must I be hated for just being myself?
Just because I'm different?
I'm just autistic, I'm not incompetent
But we'll never be good enough in everyone's eyes
We'll always be the weird one no matter how much we try
Everyone just watches and stares
With no one to hold us when we're scared
Why can't someone just love us and tell us everything will be alright?
To cry in someone's arms and hold us tight all throughout the night
We see scenes in movies where parents say "I love you"
And for just a second you feel like its true for you too
But even after all that has traumatized
One day you just have to realize
That the only person you could ever count on is you
Because no else was ever there for me which still holds true


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