

41 - Straight

Illinois, United States

Jan 9, 2018 06:51

We are all ignorant. That is normal. We fix it by learning. When you don't care that you are ignorant, it turns into stupidity.

Never married, no kids. I know this is unfair and probably shallow, but I am not at a point in my life where I am OK with other people's kids. If you are married or in a relationship, or in the process of ending one, get off of here and go sort your business out, then come back. This is not something you want to be doing during a transition.

I downloaded the dating apps. I learned that everyone likes travel, food, hanging out with friends, and being unaware that literally everyone likes these things. How are these personality traits? Everyone wants me to take them out on my boat which I do not have or go immediately knock boots. Those things are great, but how is that step 1? Also, how is R Kelly still relevant? Isn't he a pedophile?

Western Chicago burbs. Work in the Loop, so in the city maybe 40% of the time.

Absolutely addicted to the music. It is on as much as is physically possible. Big metalhead too. Can't help it.

I like my job. Don't tell anyone. The Chicago punk scene is dead, or maybe I just do not know the right people. I do not look like I belong in a pit even though it's my natural habitat. That's ok; you can have me go talk to the cops and they might actually listen, unless it's a speed trap, in which case I am well and truly boned.

No ink or piercings (yours are fine but I prefer not to be that identifiable to strangers). I don't run because driving is more fun. Booze is my anti-drug. People who are stoned are irritating. I will not tolerate cokeheads at all. Cats make me sneeze and cilantro tastes like soap.

Nobody likes Donald Trump, including the people who voted for him. Bashing the silly bastard is like posting "hopes and prayers" on Facebook. We can skip the posturing. It's been done and nobody disagrees. Taking a nap is more courageous. I also think Bernie Sanders is crazier than a fistful of s**t, so that should thin out the crowd.

Been to PRB the last two years and planning to go again. Just an old buddy and me heading to Vegas but may consider another city if we can get around our friends' work schedules to cut them in on the action.

Not going to church unless there is a wedding or something. Satanists, chiropractors, wiccans, palmists, etc. fall under the same category. I do not have the patience for pretentious magical horses**t. It's all Mitt Romney's wizard pajamas to me. If you crack a book, you might be amazed to find out that people who understand science have looked into these things. We have the technology to determine whether or not things make sense.

Pabst, Fireball, Jack, and Jose taste awful. I will pay the extra $1 or whatever to not drink hobo piss. I will eat anything as long as the quality is decent. It's impossible to be drunk enough to mistake McDonald's for food. My cutoff is somewhere around Subway. Actual food is not hard to find.

The outdoors are great, but I have been there. It's not some kind of profound experience. I'll go and not bitch about it too much. Otherwise, I will set the air conditioner to "Meat Locker" and gladly watch the windows frost up. f**k my electric bill. Worth it.

I am not sharing partners, hunting for a one-night stand, or doing a group thing. I am a relationship square, full-on dorky teenager hopeless romantic style. I am trustworthy and I don't expect you to believe that right out of the gate. I don't have secrets and I really do not have the patience for everyone else's.


C h a o s

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