

36 - Straight

Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Jan 16, 2023 05:52

If you don't have a hot cuppa, I'd strongly advise you get yourself one now. This could take a while. And if you'd be so kind, I'll take a coffee, one sugar. Isn't coffee wonderful?
I never really know what to write in these things. People say just be yourself, but reading an "about me" section doesn't really give the full picture, does it?
Someone may seem perfect on paper. They have the right interests. Whether it's music, books, films, or social activities, Or... just whatever it is they think makes them sound good. But the truth is - even if they have everything you've looked for, it doesn't mean that you'll actually be compatible in a real world setting. Something... Just doesn't click.
But that's life. That's relationships. That's people.
It's a complex machine with ever turning cogs. But that doesn't mean you should give up, it just means you haven't found the right fit yet. So, don't sell yourself short. You are who you are, for better or worse you can't change that. So be proud of that. You're unique. Don't be afraid, go and find what you're looking for. For youself, and no one else.
My point is - We're all searching for something. We're all searching for someone to share that something with. Some find it, others think they've found it. And others have lost it. But in order to find it, you have to first at least try. And in order to be found, you have to come out of the shadows, right? So. Here I am.

I'm a gamer. So, if you're adverse to gaming or gamers, then I appreciate you sticking around for this long. But I'm not the droid you're looking for.
I've played games my whole life. As soon I was able to hold my first control pad way back when before I can remember I did. I'm frequently reminded that when my mum first heard me playing games, she couldn't believe the words that were coming out of my mouth. I was basically copying my dad screaming at the screen swearing bloody murder because I couldn't get it to work. I was still a toddler. And therein fell my love for games. Truthfully, I can't see myself being with anyone that can't understand my love of gaming with friends. My ideal setting, is some one curled up beside me, giving me and my friends s**t because she just blew up a bunch of noobs and saved our arse's whilst we were busy looting and fighting over guns. Some one who's got my back. Both in the gaming world, and the real world.
I'm a gamer. Through and through. It's safe to say this is at the top of the list.

I love my music. So many to name. So much to listen to. So little time. Whilst I can get on with almost anything, I wont lie... It does start to grate at me after a little while if it's something I don't like. So, music preference is pretty high up there on the list.
So long as it's metal I think I can make do. Anything else, and we probably wont get on for prolonged durations.
I've been a metal head ever since I can remember. I used to visit my dads and he'd have his music on... Maiden, Sabbath, Motorhead, Kyuss... And I got hooked from an early age. Never looked back. It is who I am. And it's a big part of me.
And when I say metal. I mean bands like Devil Driver. Sylosis. Unearth. Before the Dawn. Bullet for my Vallentine (Anything but the fever album). Trivium. Edguy. Helloween. FFDP. Black Sabbath. Iron Maiden. Arch Enemy. The list goes on for a long, long time. I like melodic death metal, some thrash... Well, anything that sounds good to me.
Why this is important to me, and why it's important that I'm looking for some one with similar tastes is simple. I love my music. And I'll be playing it almost everyday. And it'd be great to have someone who loves the bands that I do, the songs I love, and wants to see those same bands I want to see. That can relate to the way those songs make me feel. Someone who understands.

You're still here? Almost half way. How's that cuppa looking?

So that covers two of the things I look for most. That’s not to say I’m not open to something different. But it makes for a good starting point of commonality.

Most people say I’m quiet now. Wouldn’t exactly call myself the life and soul of a party. I’d prefer to let some one else take that spotlight... And just observe as events unfold. I still love going out on the weekend, hitting a few bars, and having a laugh, usually at the expense of myself haha. I... May or may not drink a little too much.
I take one day at a time, because for all the best plans laid out before hand. Things are ever changing, and plans seldom go the way they’re expected.
I’m pretty laid back most of the time. I’m told I’m kind, thoughtful, caring and I’ve been brought up with manners and I’m fairly easy to get along with. I avoid confrontation where possible, which can be a flaw at times. But that’s not to say I’m a pushover, and if the situation calls for it, I’ll speak my mind. Which may or may not be a good thing haha. I can at times be brutally honest. But I’m also very considerate of others and how they’re feeling. I feel I'm pretty patient with most things in life.
I can also respect and understand the views of others, and never force mine onto others either. We all have our own minds, and we all see things differently. I hate it when views are forced onto others and they won’t see reason. Or understand why someone might not agree because they’re blinded by narrow thinking.

This.... Has become more long winded than I intended it to be.

I’m not religious. I was brought up as a catholic but honestly I don’t agree with religion. Don’t get me wrong, most of them have some really good points and ideals we should all live by. But that’s just the way we should be as people, it’s common sense. It’s called being a decent human being. You don’t need religion for that.
As I’ve stated, I’m respectful to others peoples views and ideals. We can all choose to believe in whatever we want. And neither me nor anyone else has the right to say otherwise or tell you you’re wrong. It’s your choice, and your view. So, in short, I’m not adverse to religious people, just don’t try to force it on me.

I’ve got long hair, past my shoulders. People say my eyes and smile are my best feature. I disagree, but we’re all hard on ourselves, right?
I'm not exactly the most confident person in the world but I'm trying to improve that. One of the reasons I'm here.
Try to get out when I can. When I’m not sitting at home playing games, or curled up watching Netflix I’m either out skating with my friends, or spending spending time with my family. Family is important to me. They come before everything. I’m loyal, and try to be as reliable as I can. I try to stick by my word. I’ll always try to be honest, and open with people I care about.
I’m trying to learn guitar but, it’s going slowly. I’m told I’m creative, I just don’t always know how to show that creativity.

Still with me here? I can’t figure out if I’m impressed, or concerned for your sanity.
I was not expecting to write this much. And it barely scratches the surface, but I think that’s what makes us great. Don’t you? There are so many layers to a person. And it can take a lifetime to get to know them all. So I guess, in the end we’re all just searching for that person we can share that experience with. To peel back the layers one at a time to truly get to know someone, to appreciate them for who they are.

Lastly I’ll just say - Thanks for getting this far with me. I’ll ask, if you do feel like messaging me, add in a link of your favourite band, or your favourite song, with a brief explanation of why it means so much to you, even if it’s just because you love the riff!
You know what? Even if you don’t feel like striking a friendship, still send me a message with just the link. I love to hear new things, and who knows, maybe I’ll come to love it myself.



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