Its been a hot minute since I've been on here. Here goes...
I work in aerospace building rocket ships. Really. I am educated (AA, BA, Masters, and various certificates of achievements.) My career is in aerospace but my masters is in special effects and fabrication. Basically I make monsters.
I love metal, and going to shows is my most favorite thing to do. Next favorite on the list is Disneyland since I live in Orange County.
I'm a single mom, I have a 10 year old daughter and she's taller than me. I'm 5'2". And no... The ex has never been involved. Completely out of the picture since day 1. No drama there.
If you take offense to fur, kindly kick rocks. I'm basically Cruella DeVille. Although oddly enough I am vegetarian. Go figure.
If you are local to OC, and we have anything in common, don't be shy.