

32 - Bi

Michigan, United States

Nov 15, 2017 18:50

My username is based off a lustrous dragon Yu-Gi-Oh card, it does not mean that I want to bang you. I'm unfunny. Also, I'm completely open to long distance friendships/relationships, so feel free to PM me if you live on the other side of the world! Ideally, I'd like to travel sometime in 2018, maybe to a country that speaks one of the languages that I'm interested in.

I'm not sure what I want to do with my life yet, but it's probably something artsy since I really enjoy drawing and writing. Or maybe something language-related, I enjoy languages with complicated writing systems, apparently. FML

Geeky interests are an important part of my existence, anime especially. Disney movies are fun, learning new things is a joyride, and I probably couldn't live without my electronics or the internet. Sometimes I read manga, but I really prefer seeing things animated. I love video games but I've only really been motivated to play Pokemon or Animal Crossing in the past few years. Currently on a quest to Catch 'Em All in the main Pokemon games, I don't play Go.

I consider myself somewhere in between goth and punk, although since graduating high school in 2010, I've been too broke to afford any fancy alternative clothes other than a spiked bracelet or two. I'd like to dye my hair again but I'm stuck on what kind of haircut to get and what color to go with. I looove monsters, my favorite holidays are Halloween and Dia De Los Muertos, and I love how chilly it is in Autumn.

I'm trans, deal with it. Currently pre-op and closeted to most people offline, and I don't plan on starting hormones until I've at least moved out. Homelessness whomps, I would know! As for my sexuality, I don't care what your gender identity or s*x is as long as we're compatible and you're not bats**t. I like people for their personalities mostly. As for dudes, I have a huge thing for long-haired stallions. Men cutting their beautiful long locks should be a crime! /s(arcasm... mostly) I don't have any special preferences for women other than maybe some dyed hair, hahah.

Animals mean a lot to me, emotionally and digestively. My older brother is a cat (RIP). I consider my dog to be my "daughter," and I consider the dogs in my family to be my cousins or whatever. I also really like meat, I would eat the meat of any animal (including humans or dogs/cats) if I could afford it and it didn't taste horrible. Sorry, vegetarians/vegans, I still respect your choices though.

Because I'm ridiculous, I plan on attempting to learn a s**t ton of languages, because foreign languages are beautiful. In high school, I took 4 years of Spanish and now I'm pretty rusty from never using it. Other languages that I'm interested in are Filipino/Tagalog, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, Swahili... I'm pretty socially awkward so it's pretty ironic that I want to learn how to talk to people, yeah?

Ask me for my profiles on MyAnimeList (mainly anime, some manga) or Trakt.TV (my non-anime TV shows and movies)! I don't use Facebook or Skype much but I'm very active on Discord.



Age: 33 / straight

United States


Age: 34 / bi

United States


Age: 33 / straight

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Age: 27 / straight

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Age: 54 / straight

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Age: 19 / straight

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Age: 49 / straight

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Age: 49 / straight

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Age: 31 / straight

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Age: 38 / straight

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Age: 29 / straight

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Age: 33 / straight

United States