

27 - Straight

Tennessee, United States

Apr 2, 2018 18:19

Greetings, it's lovely to make your acquaintance.

Before I begin there are two important things that need to be addressed.

The first one upfront is, so I don't have to disclose everytime I turn around. I am a pre-op,post-hrt, transsexual male.If dating a trans person, or anyone on the gender spectrum for that matter, is not your "cup of tea", which is totally fine by me because no one should be forced into anything, including dating, that they are uncomfortable with.Please save us both the time and heartache and just kindly and politely click out of my profile and view the next one.

Second and final one, and I'm really putting my foot down on this, I don't care what age is on your profile, if we are talking on a relationship, at this point even on a friendship level, you have to confirm your age. I have had to part ways with people that I dated, even partners, whom I loved so dearly, because they sprung their actual age on me down the road into our relationship. I cannot and will not setup my heart for that again.
Please understand that I'm not saying all of this to be "mean"or "cruel", I say it with love and kindness.I'm just trying to protect all parties involved.

Alright, now that all the cards have been laid out onto the table, Let's talk about the fun stuff. If I had too say which branch of the Goth scene that is closest too my heart, I would have too say eighties (Traditional) Goth. I mean, my "Siouxxie Sioux" makeup couldn't have made it more obvious? Some of the bands I enjoy listening too the "the dark fantasy" type of bands like All about Eve, Field of the Nephlim, Bauhaus, AstroVamps, The Cure etc. Though I have too be in a certain mood to listen to bands like Christian Death and alien sex fiend. When I want to relax or meditate I listen to bands like Bluetengel or Dead Can Dance. Call it stereotypical, but I am a huge horror movie junkie. Mostly eighteen slasher, but I can appreciate some lon Chaney and Bela Lugosi. Cant get enough of Tim Burton, or the Addams family and the munsters.I don't really care for live action, but the walking dead, American Horror Story etc, make an exception As much as I am Goth, I am also a geek, I can never choose between DC and Marvel. I love "oldschool" Disney, Nickelodeon. What can you expect from a 90s. I do like some newer shows, just let me have my nostalgia okay? I do enjoy anime, just not as much as when I was ten. I do play video games. Not a big fan of online multiplayer. I like one player, story mode games. I don't read as much as I used too, though if I find a book I like, I'll read it. I have been wanting to get back into cosplay again. I enjoy writing singing,acting, basically anything in the arts. That is basically me in a nutshell. Honestly what I want from a relationship is simple. I want someone who will love me for me. Who looks past the things that could not control. Rejoices with me in my victories and who will comfort me in my darkest hours. Some I can laugh with, someone to have deep conversations with. Someone who who would go the distance to come see me,as I would for them. Who will have Skype dates with me, send me good morning and night messages, and every once in awhile a check up text. That is what I want in a relationship. Long distance or local.
Here's the two social media that I use to get ahold of me outside of here. If anyone needs to talk or comfort, I'm all ears and hugs.
Wherever you are have a wonderful day. I send you all the positive energy I can muster. Till we meet.



Age: 46 / straight

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