I made another account because I forgot my password for the other one /':
So I shall say this
I am really weird and awkward as f**k human being in person, I say so myself . but if we meet in person for the very first time I am shy . like to the point that I will not talk but just stare down at my feet and wait until you make the conversation interesting. (And Ohh boyyyyyy I am into really ancient history stuff)
I am a really poetic person
I love to read and creat my own imagination when I draw , paint, or sculpt.
I listen to any type of rock/metal/punk music
O boi, i do sure like to skate a lot. even though I broke my bored last month 😔
I watch a lot of anime my total favorite one is Dragon Ball Z 🐲
Oh damn forgot to say I am a real nerd when it comes to Star Wars
If you want to know more about me,
Just message me.
And ps start by introducing yourself first please that will be nice of you to do that
I take a lot of risks when it comes to having fun, like living in the moment. ya know? )