f**k! it looks like everybody who WAS on this site hasn't logged in since 2009! i think this site WAS filled with hot emo people but they all killed themselves due to a lifestyle of drugs and depression sometime around 2010 and can't log in anymore! damn!
hey ladies! whats up? u can call me angel.
i paint and make techno music. i also play guitar/bass/n drumz but my computer recently crashed and i lost some music i made! i am really into music but i dont care about fashion that much. im kinda more indie grunge. i got my nose pierced recently and got red jewel 6 gauge earrings. i care more about a persons personality instead of how "scene" they look.
i randomly found this website and decided to check it out. i live in the east bay of the bay area. i also hang around the haight ashbury area sometimes. just lookin 4 a sweet gal to hang with! thats all. the club scene has kinda bummed me out. too many weird fake rich people. and other websites like okcupid don't seem interesting anymore. send me a wink n say hi!