

32 - Straight

Flevoland, Netherlands

Aug 30, 2019 02:13

|- A smiling f**king hypocrite, non-devoted neo-satanist, geek, and an often-lazy, anti-society, weed-smoking burgundian -|

| Piercings | Tattoos | Guitar | Drawing | Gamer | Couch Potato |

Sort'a just joined up, no clue what most of this is but 'ere goes.

I smoke, I drink, I enjoy my weed, I work every now and then, I play games.. So yeah: I do my best to enjoy my s**tty lil' life in general I guess, from day to day at best.. Rather do that all with some friends though, and even a girlfriend could make a killer sidekick for that. Hence.. I'm on this site.

Too much of my music can't be found and added to my profile here, so if you want to solely exchange s**t like that, ask me in a message or something I guess.. Could debate that stuff for hours. Oh, and for the fellow nerds: I game on PS4, Xbox 360, PC and a Nintendo 3DS... but mostly just the PC.

Discord: Jandrelon#6739
Whatsapp: Ask me.

I got this thing called Snapchat too, and I only look pretty (in a darn feminine way) with those filters -- I know.. but, yeah.. Not giving that out. Lots of weirdos around on the grand interwebs.

Uhh... I watch a crapton of stuff, and play a vast variety of games. Prefer those with multiplayer/cooperative gameplay though, so.. think DotA/League/Battlerite (Yeah, you read that right: Moba's), Stardew Valley, Fallout 76.. Then there's a lot of music I either like listening to or cry over.

Ah, right. Bit of a softie, and rather mentally disturbed and insane most of the times. I should come with a user manual, but frankly, that requires for the product to be interesting enough for others to pick up. Which I ain't. Lack the decency and propriety to be a gentleman, got the humour of a cold-hearted psychopathic douche, and despite what appearance might suggest (to some folk) I'm that unstable I can start bawling over a documentary about motherless, abandoned ducklings.

Ah, and I also play table-top DnD and board games like Carcassonne, Machiavelli and Munchkin.

Could add more, likely will in the future.. Such as the fact I (used to) write; think poetry or non-sense ranting about all-and-nothing. Typical depressed emo kind of stuff. Hmu if you're actually interested in what that entailed.

If you've made it to this point, let me extend a warning that I have a tendency to turn messages into huge walls-of-texts. Can't stand elaborate crap like that, don't bother talking. For a rather sensitive f**ker, I also like to act like I'm rebelious and brattish. Charades. Whoopdeedooo..

My spirit-animal would probably be a sloth sporting a 'Kurt Kobain' hairdo and Gilbert Gottfried's voice.



Age: 19 / straight



Age: 34 / straight



Age: 22 / straight



Age: 27 / straight
