Just a Lady looking for her Gomez Addams.
Recently moved to Nottingham and looking for friends and hopefully a partner. Making friends seems to get increasingly difficultly the older you get for some reason.
I enjoy reading fantasy books, comics, ambient black metal, love nature and plan to study ecology and ornithology at some point soon.
I love my cultural heritage and anything Celtic or Germanic. Not a great film buff but anything with dragons and elves usually wins me over.
Would love a partner to explore the natural world with, binge watching G.o.T with, eat pizza with, talk rubbish with.
Not interested in egocentric chaps that have big egos or are "go to make it in a band". Just someone that's a bit kooky would be nice.
I would love children at some point but if they are an absolute no no for you, then I'm not the girl for you.
Also I think passion is essential in a relationship else its just a friendship. Put politely. If you have no libido we're definitely not compatible.