

34 - Bi

Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Feb 19, 2025 22:23

Hi All *Holds hand out for handshake*

What is there to know about me? God if I knew the answer to that life would be so much easier. I guess we'll break it down to the basics and go from there for now though.
The main reason people are on this website is to look for somebody to love, right? What that looks like is probably quite different person to person. For me, well I'm somebody who believes in unconditional love.. in truly accepting a person for who they are.. in growing together as people.. and in the power of trust and vulnerability. This is where love and connection meet for me and how one truly embraces those concepts.

My life has had many weird and wonderful stages to it and at the moment life is in a period of flux for me. I'm not entirely sure what I am doing or how it's all going to take shape but I keep trying, keep getting up each day and keep pushing forwards to see where the journey is headed.
My day to day varies. When I'm not contributing to my own survival I like to do things like go for walks, create things, learn. I find that I become an unofficial counsellor to people at times which I do quite enjoy. When somebody trusts you enough to open up about their life it truly is a beautiful and sacred thing. Trust of course being something in desperately short supply these days.
My background has been a colourful one that when it's all lined up doesn't necessarily make sense. I studied Physics and Astrophysics a long time ago. Buddhism and spirituality more recently. I'm fascinated by the paranormal which has popped up time and time again as life has progressed. For me things that humans currently have minimal understanding in are the things I'm most interested in. I've never been able to understand how so many people can go about their lives not constantly wondering why life exists? Or about the true scope of the universe? About Aliens or Ghosts or how nature truly works or about different dimensions? Our understanding amounts to such a small amount of the universe.. there is so much more to explore!

At the end of the day what I am looking for can be summed up fairly simply. I just want to meet people who'll look at the stars with me and feel out how amazing the universe is.

Show me your beautiful soul and I'll show you mine



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