I'm goofy and easy-going. I'm a free spirit, but I think about my actions and their potential consequences before acting... most of the time. I'm a mechanic, my mind is almost always in the gutter.
I swear like a sailor. I like nights out having a drink, throwing darts, and watching some kickass bands.
I guarantee that I'm taller than you are. I have a dirty mind with a twisted sense of humor, a lot of what comes out of my mouth will sound dirty or can be turned very easily... get over it.
I can be a sarcastic asshole. I'm a very sarcastic person, and if you have thin skin... well piss off. I can't stand people that get offended by every friggen thing that people say.
I love tacos and sushi. I'm a carnivore. I eat meat. No, I will not convert to being a vegetarian, and most definitely not a vegan. Don't like, the door is over there -->
Grew up in the local punk scene, still go to shows and know some people in it. More of a metalhead though. If it's heavy, I'll like it.